Cryptodog started out as a blockchain game. During the peak period, it rented a courier warehouse as a computer room and accumulated a lot of industry knowledge. Therefore, when it is necessary to play many blockchain games, it will be shared without reservation. For example, AI ARENA was released during the Chinese New Year, and it is estimated that many people will make a fortune.

Even though AI ARENA is over, it doesn’t matter. Our team has been testing another game, MetaArena. We thought it was pretty good in the first round, and the second round happened to start recently, so we released it and let’s play it together.

This article mainly includes the following parts:

  • Why you lose money when investing in blockchain games — Investment research skills

  • Web3 Games Pain Points — Game Engine

  • About MetaArena

  • 0 Tutorial

1. Why you lose money when investing in blockchain games - investment research skills

We may see a lot of Web3 Games on the market, and they all say that they have good technology and great prospects, but as soon as you enter the market, NFTs are immediately cut in half, tokens immediately fall, and the payback period is "constantly 30 days"...

This is a typical one-wave project, and this phenomenon is particularly evident in "single game" and "anti-disk". The project owner only wants to make a nesting doll game to make money once, and then switch to the next project to start all over again. We always lose all our funds in the trap designed by others.

If you are tired of this abyss of endless losses, we must learn "a little" investment research skills, so that when you see a project appear in front of you, you can tell at a glance what it does and whether it has prospects.

Here, taking blockchain games as an example, we will share a little bit of basic investment research skills, such as the skill of being able to tell at a glance what the project is about - project classification.

The blockchain game consists of 8 parts — user-side aggregator, games, multi-game platforms/publishers, liquidity providers/financial instruments, blockchain solution providers, game engines, developers/studios, and public chains:

In the above tracks, many people invest in "game projects". This market segment is mixed, and there are many unscrupulous domestic projects. Many of them develop a game, and then start to sell NFT endlessly, and then sell "tokens" after selling NFT. In the end, the game has been basically smashed after it was launched... This is the reason for the loss caused by following the trend of investment without investment research.

So if you want to learn more about blockchain games and find a few good Web3 Games to build a position in, what should you do?

If you are a conservative investor and do not want to waste too many resources on "one-wave projects", then "speculation is not as good as investing in funds" is a good investment technique. We only need to study the basic settings in the sector that are "faster, cheaper, and more innovative."

At present, there is nothing disruptive and "novel" about the public game chain, but there are still many pain points in the game engine that need to be solved.

2. Web3 Games Pain Points — Game Engine

Web3 Games has always been a track for capital competition. As early as 2017, many developers have been working hard on Web3 Games. Four or five years of hard work has led to the explosion of blockchain games in 2021. The wealth has spread to tens of millions of users, thousands of developers, and more than a dozen public chains, allowing developers, service providers, publishers, unions, studios, and players to experience a 100-fold carnival in 7 days.

As the market cools down rapidly, the industry begins to reflect on its early shortcomings and prepare for a higher outbreak in the future.

The industry generally believed that although the blockchain games at that time were nominally Web3 Games, they merely put assets on the chain. The core architecture of the games was basically built using the web2 game engine and deployed on centralized servers, resulting in opaque projects, secret operations, and frequent insider trading.

About Game Engine

What needs to be explained here is the role of game engines in games: before the emergence of game engines, game developers needed to write code from scratch again and again, and had to check the game code line by line. But they could not run and test at any time, so web2 game developers thought of using game engines to solve the problem. Game engines integrate the code and assets required for games into a set of development tools, which reduces the need for game developers to write repeated code, graphic materials, etc.

Industry Pain Points

Since the Web3 game engine is not very mature, traditional game manufacturers generally have two choices to join GameFi.

  • One is to develop new games. For example, giant manufacturers with certain development capabilities, such as Zynga, Ubisoft, and Konami, are exploring and developing new games in this field.

  • The other is to transform existing mature games into blockchain games and continue the original game ecology including gameplay, game culture IP, player stickiness, etc.

But no matter which method is used, it is quite difficult to implement. Some game logic is difficult to implement on the chain. Of course, it not only includes the game model, but also includes the economic model based on Crypto, public chain selection, wallet support, smart contract development plan (audit), NFT design and development plan, and after the game is launched, the guild DAO construction, DeFi model embedding, project operation, etc.

If all elements of the game are embedded on the chain, every transaction made by the player in the game will be a transaction. The player may need to sign a transaction for each step of his operation, pay a gas fee, and wait for the movement log to be "finalized", which will also cause "stuck" in the game loop.

If you want to develop a decent game that includes most of the above features (a castrated version) and does not lag, the development cycle will take at least half a year to a year, and the development cost will be no less than 800,000 US dollars.

When developing web3 games, many codes, graphic materials, design architectures, NFT designs and development plans, etc. are repetitive. If they are developed one by one, it is undoubtedly reinventing the wheel and wasting a lot of manpower and material resources.

At this time, a more reliable blockchain game engine is needed to solve the above problems.

MetaArena has built a blockchain game engine driven by ZKP (zero-knowledge proof), based on a modular sovereign Layer3 Rollup, various zk-driven Services SDK and other components, providing the required composability, programmability, scalability and privacy for full-chain games. The engine is driving blockchain games towards a new form of development.

3. About MetaArena

Simply put, MetaArena is a Layer3 Rollup built on a modular blockchain. It uses Realm engine technology to provide developers with a set of SDK tools that enable developers to create small strategy games or migrate AAA games to the chain at the lowest cost, quickly and losslessly.

Although it is a game engine-style Layer3, in order to let more people see the technical accumulation of the web3 game engine, MetaArena developed the first game for users: Final Glory. In Final Glory, players can choose different professions, engage in adventure battles, and obtain resources to achieve growth. Different branches of different professions have different abilities, which determines the role positioning of users in the game society. Players can also form powerful guilds, participate in guild tasks and competitions, and occupy core resource output. The game has no task prompts, and players can explore freely.

Final Glory uses a dual token model of blue diamonds and $TIMI:

  • Blue Diamond requires users to top up USDT in a 1:1 one-way exchange, which is mainly used to purchase various in-game items;

  • The total amount of blue diamonds is 1 billion, and 50 million will be airdropped, which is limited to founding players and event participants.

  • TIMI is the governance token of the platform, which can be traded to purchase in-game items and equipment, as well as circulate, and trade and invest on the MetaArena platform. ;

  • The total amount of TIMI is 210 trillion, and 80% of the tokens will be distributed to players through game output and staking;

Participate in the second round of game testing from June 20th to July 10th to receive:

  • Double $TIMI Token Rewards

  • A random number of dragon mount fragments (1 to 5)

4. Zero-click tutorial

Final Glory is a free game that anyone can play. The PC and Android versions are interoperable.

The "Moon Gate Exploration" event launched this time includes five areas every day, and there is one reward opportunity in each area.

The activity is divided into three situations: talking with the NPC to open the treasure chest, defeating the guard to open the treasure chest, and directly opening the treasure chest.

There are a lot of in-game resources in the treasure chest, and there is a chance to get double $TIMI and dragon mount fragments. 30 dragon mount fragments can be combined into a dragon mount NFT and traded in the secondary market. Each exploration can get a fixed 0.2 $TIMI

Basic Tutorial

Step 1: Download

  • Official website:

  • Before starting the game, download the required resources first. After completing the resource download, enter the game to receive the ruby.

Step 2: Daily Sign-in

You can see the "Exploregon Gift" treasure chest for daily sign-in in the upper right corner of the game page. Remember to claim it every day.

Step 3: Moon Door Exploration

Click the button next to the treasure chest to explore the Moon Gate, or click the pop-up window after entering the game.

Step 4: Select the exploration area

Choose the area you want to explore. The more stars you have, the higher the difficulty and the greater the rewards.

Start with a three-star area

Step 5: Explore the map

Follow the prompts to reach the Moon Gate

Click to enter the Moon Gate world

Find the corresponding treasure chest and open it, defeat the guardian monster.

Or interact with NPCs and defeat monsters.

Equipment and TIMI tokens will be received in the battle report.

Step 6. Check TIMI tokens

Go to Settings-Asset and check TIMI tokens. You will get 0.2 TIMI tokens each time you explore the Moon Gate.

The above is all the tutorials for today. This is a 0-cost game, mainly for NFTs and tokens. You need to open multiple accounts + synchronizers to maximize your profits.