Bluefin is the largest decentralized derivatives trading platform on SUI. The token $BLUE is expected to be launched at the end of June. The current pre-market trading price is maintained at 0.4u. The investment price of institutional investors such as Polychain is 0.25/coin, and the current airdrop cost is 0.15-0.3u.

There is a huge price difference between airdrops and pre-market trading. We can maximize our profits by sprinting in the last few days before the token is open for trading. Let's see how to do it.

This article is mainly divided into the following parts:

  • Preface - DEX big troubles frequently occur

  • About Bluefin Basic Activities

  • How to get low-cost airdrops and maximize your profits

1. Introduction: Dex track, big hair frequently appears

In the past five years, there have been 11 Dex projects airdropped, with a total amount of up to 11.4 billion US dollars. On average, each account received about 6,000U of income. The statistics are as follows:

For example, Uniswap, Jupiter, dYdX, 1INCH, Paraswap, CoW, ZigZag...

From this we can see that DEX, as a short, flat and fast empty bidding, is prone to big losses.

It should be noted that the previous DEX airdrops may not be that complicated, just burning transaction fees, slippage, and gas fees. With the application of the points mechanism, many platforms have begun to adopt the points system, but the advantage of DEX airdrops is that the benefits can be calculated, and you can combine it with the various welfare activities of the project party and seize the opportunity to maximize the benefits.

2. About Bluefin Basic Activities

Bluefin is a decentralized derivatives trading platform on Sui, led by Polychain, with other investors including SIG, BH Digital, Tower Research, Wintermute, etc.

The token $BLUE is expected to be launched at the end of June. The current pre-market trading price remains at 0.4u. The investment price of institutional investors such as Polychain is 0.25/coin, and the current airdrop cost is 0.15-0.3u. There is a huge spread in between, which can be profited.

There are currently 4 activities: Regular Trading Mining, Bluefin Leagues, Referral Rewards, Stablecoin Pool Points

(1) Trading Mining: Trading earns Sui tokens and Blue Points (issued weekly)

  • Earn points. Trading mining can share about 80,000 Sui and 500,000 Blue points every week. If you go long or short on the platform, you will see a real-time estimate of the rewards you can expect to receive at the end of the week. For details, please see:

(2) Bluefin Leagues (emphasis)

The key section (transaction and mining) is that the token will be listed in the next few weeks, and the following content will focus on this aspect.

Users increase their transaction volume on the platform and reach a corresponding level to obtain an NFT. The higher the level of the NFT, the more rewards they will receive. In addition to Sui tokens and Blue points, they can also receive additional airdrop rewards.

  • Registration link:

From the above, the transaction volume, deposit balance and level correspond to the following:

  • Sapphire level requires 25 million transactions and 10,000 U deposits, and is expected to get 8,000–15,000 points.

  • Black level requires 5 million transaction volume and 7500U deposit account, and is expected to get 1600-3000 points;

  • Platinum level requires 500,000 transactions and 1,000U deposits, and is expected to get 150–300 points.

  • Gold level requires 100,000 transactions and can get 30–150 points.

Trading volume = opening transaction amount ✖️ contract multiple + closing transaction amount ✖️ contract multiple

The next section will introduce the multi-opening gameplay and benefits. Here we only need to know that the expected return of the Sapphire level is 250 times that of the Gold level, but it is not necessary to rush to the Sapphire level. The key strategies are as follows:

  • If you are currently at the Black level, you can strive for the Sapphire level. The difference in trading volume is 5 times, and the reward may differ by 5-10 times.

  • If you are new here or don’t have much funds to take out, you can directly apply for Gold level. The advantage of Gold level is that you don’t need to have an account balance of 1000U, you only need to apply for a transaction volume of 100,000.

  • If you want to get the same airdrop benefits as Platinum level, you only need to open 5-10 accounts. (Remember to isolate the IP addresses of multiple accounts)

  • The airdrop reward of 15-20 Gold accounts may be similar to that of a Sapphire, and you can allocate it according to your own funds.

(3) Open Referral Program

The low-income gameplay mentioned above can use the referral mechanism to increase rebates. By binding the invitation code, both parties can get a 10% bonus. For the first time, you can bind mine: v2-i5yp5l, and then bind your own.

(4)Bluefin Stable Pools:

You can deposit stablecoins here to get Sui tokens and Blue points, with a return of: 24% APR + Blue points;

3. How to get low-cost airdrops and maximize profits

Bluefin is the largest decentralized derivatives trading platform on SUI. It requires certain strategies to get airdrops on the platform, otherwise it is easy to get liquidated. In addition to introducing low-cost airdrop strategies, we will also introduce multiple order placement methods.

1. Revenue Estimation

Let’s take the highest level Sapphire as an example. For a transaction volume of 25 million, the loss is between 2500 and 8750u. It is conservatively estimated that 18,000 points can be earned. The text part is calculated based on 20,000 points.

As mentioned above, in addition to Sui tokens and Blue points, participating in Bluefin Leagues also provides additional airdrop rewards. Sapphire level players can receive approximately 5,000-10,000 $Blue token airdrops.

Sapphire users can get up to 20,000 points + 5,000 $Blue airdrops. Based on the pre-market price of 0.4u, the gross income is 10,000u. (Points can be exchanged for $Blue tokens at a 1:1 ratio)

If it takes three days to reach 25 million, then the profit in three days is between 1250-7500u. Why is the difference so big? This is related to the trading method we choose;

The comparison table of handling fees and gross income corresponding to each trading model is as follows:

The table does not include sui rewards, but sui rewards have always been there, and this part of the income can cover the handling fees.

Under normal circumstances, it can be seen from the deduction in the table that if the Market mode is used for all transactions, the handling fee will be as high as 0.035%, which is easy to be reversed. It is recommended to use Limit transaction, or 75% Limit + 25% Market, to save expenses.

If the amount of funds is limited, you can use the low-income guarantee mode to open 10 accounts, invite each other, and finish all of them in 3 days. The highest return in 3 days is 1520U. If you invest 1000-2000U, the return rate in 3 days is 76%-152%. (Remember to isolate the IP addresses of multiple accounts)

(II) Multiple opening methods

If you are rubbing manually, it is recommended to swipe against each other. We cannot afford the risk of the contract. It is safest when two numbers hedge against each other.

It is recommended that account A invite account B and then hedge. The method is as follows:

  • Open a long order in browser A, and then click Buy. The wallet will pop up a confirmation window. Do not click confirm yet.

  • Open account B, open a short order, and click Sell. A confirmation window will pop up on the wallet. Do not click Confirm yet.

  • After both sides are ready, click the confirmation of the Buy pop-up window first, and then click the confirmation of the Sell pop-up window. This ensures that your closing transaction follows your opening transaction and will not be arbitraged by others. The slippage needs to be set larger, otherwise it is easy to fail.

Trading mining is the fastest way to earn points, and the cost is controllable. If you want to open a large transaction, you can try it with a small amount first.

Each airdrop can be operated with multiple accounts. The multi-account tool I currently use is: MorLogin fingerprint browser. After testing, MoreLogin has made great efforts in security:

As for the wallet plug-in that everyone is most concerned about, MoreLogin has done layers of encryption. Even if someone with ulterior motives hacks into your computer and takes away the wallet plug-in file, it cannot be cracked. This is what I have been using. The data of other chrome-based browsers is universal and not encrypted.

The multi-opening tutorial is as follows: