#ARB $ARB ARB Current Market Analysis:

1/2/4 hour levels all show a bullish trend, indicating that the market is in an upward trend. At present, the focus should be on the 4-hour level of the long-short watershed, that is, the key price of 0.7926.

If ARB successfully breaks through the price of 0.7926, it will further consolidate the bullish position. After that, the pressure levels that may be faced are the three price areas of 0.8317, 0.8396 and 0.8502. If the price can successfully break through these pressure levels, the market is expected to rise further.

However, if ARB fails to break through the long-short watershed of 0.7926, the market may face the risk of a correction. In this case, the downside support levels will be near the three positions of 0.7834, 0.7597 and 0.7351 respectively. Investors should pay close attention to the performance of these support levels to judge the magnitude and duration of the market correction.

Investors are requested to remain cautious, flexibly adjust trading strategies according to market changes, and pay close attention to the dynamics of the market.

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