#BB $BB BB Market Secrets:

The bullish trend is emerging, but the bears are still eyeing it. From the current 1/2/4 hour level, the bulls are steady and strong. But don't forget that at the antenna level, the bears are still watching secretly and waiting for the opportunity.

To stand firm in this market, we have to look at the price of 0.3747. Just like climbing a mountain, only when you have a firm foothold can you continue to climb up. If you fail to stand firm, you have to be careful, the bears may take advantage of the opportunity.

Speaking of shorting, I have to give you a tip. Observe these three positions: 0.3669, 0.3496 and 0.3354. There may be good opportunities for shorting near these points. Of course, investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market. Remember to control the risk!

Of course, there is shorting and there is longing. If you see an opportunity and want to enter the market to go long, you have to keep an eye on these three positions: 0.3983, 0.4062 and 0.4235. Near these three points, your "treasury" may be located!

The market is always full of variables, but as long as we stay calm and analyze accurately.

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