The big bitcoin is in a state of diarrhea, while the altcoins basically ignore BTC, and instead rise against the market. Does this mean that the underlying logic has changed, and it is no longer the case that BTC sneezes and the entire cryptocurrency circle catches a severe cold?

Perhaps with the continuous entry of large institutions, the cryptocurrency circle has become a futures market, and contracts may only be able to treat BTC as an indicator, and not superstitious about BTC

Again, the essence remains unchanged. The total market value of the altcoin accounts for a high proportion, which is a variable, but it can fall back. See, the solution is so simple and crude.

Here are a few self-questions and answers.

Q: Should I sell my current holdings?

A: If there is another 312 in the cryptocurrency circle, the big bitcoin plummets by 10,000 points, or even more, and the altcoins are cut in half, or even cut in half again, can you bear it? If you can, then hold it. Whether it will fall is a probability, and what you hold is the "fact". The probability of the bull market continuing is greater than the start of the bear market, so do things with great certainty.

Q: Do you still have funds now and want to increase your position?

A: This is the same as the one above. If you can withstand the worst expectation, it's good. Otherwise, try to stay away from this circle.

Q: How about a certain coin?

A: This is a very "hot" question, but it's really naive. It seems that the answer is very simple, with only two options: good or bad. This is actually a bit irresponsible. If you say it's good, which coin listed on the big exchange doesn't have a few VCs participating in the investment, and which one doesn't know how to draw a pie. If you say it's not good, pepe: Sorry, we have nothing, we can only pull the market.

So every time I encounter this kind of question, it's really difficult to answer. No, I have to brag about it, I really care about you. I didn't travel through time, it's impossible to know the origin of the coin by looking at the name of the coin. Instead of operating it blindly, it's better to spend more time on investment research and long-term tracking and observation. Then weigh the pros and cons to make a decision and be more responsible for your own funds.

Finally, if you are a complete novice and you are excited to enter the cryptocurrency world after seeing BTC hit a record high, then I suggest you follow me first, learn the knowledge of the cryptocurrency world from me, and improve your basic skills. A tall building is built from the ground, and glory can only be achieved by yourself. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

#IO  #NOT  #BOME  #BTC  #美联储何时降息?