If the alt is now at the bottom, how do we choose potential targets?

According to the popularity, there is no accurate answer. Aiming at potential projects, I would like to share my insights with you. What are the potential blue ocean tracks:

Bitcoin Ecosystem

This season's new hot ecology: Inscriptions, although it has been criticized.

But the name is loud, and the high point is almost not far from the bottom, especially ORDI. If it encounters a direct rush below 15 in the future, SATS can also be focused on.

SOL and MEME Ecosystem

This year's star public chain, the focus of hype hot spots, this year's local dog warming pool, and later you can choose some small-cap coins that have been on the Solana chain and have been on the second level, representing BOME and WIF are still okay.

Ethereum Ecosystem

Lao Li has always emphasized that Ethereum is the leader of the alt. The benchmark of the alt, since this year, the big cake has been the only one, and the second cake is still standing still. Only when the second cake catches up later can the alt rise be driven.

On behalf of the four kings of L2, op, arb, zk, strk, Ethereum basic settings SSV, Ethereum's largest pledger LDO

AI track,

This season's star track, there is currently no so-called leader, and it is currently very popular. Many people believe in this track and the consensus is strong.

Representatives, WLD, AGIX, ARKM, FET

In the current market, I have dozens of response plans

If you can keep up, leave a message and let me see it!
