People always say vc dumps the market, vc unlocks. These are all brain dead.

Don’t many people understand the meaning of vc? vc stands for early venture capital, which is equivalent to the small and large dealers of this coin. What I want to say is that you can guarantee that the pepe and other coins you bought are not invested by vc. The difference is that it is not written.

It’s just that the time has not come. I suggest that everyone should not fud those vc coins. When the time comes, the strong dealers of these coins will pull all these tokens away.

vc stands for open selling.

meme stands for dark side. Does anyone still remember the inscription? The decline is worse than those vc.

I will talk about the characteristics of the possible explosion of copycats in the second half of the year another day #币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #CryptoTradingGuide