#ENA $ENA Professional interpretation of ENA's market today

Today's ENA market trend presents a complex situation of long and short interweaving. At the 1-hour level, the bullish forces dominate, showing a short-term upward trend. However, when we extend the perspective to the 2-hour and 4-hour levels, the market is clearly biased towards the short side, indicating that the long-term trend is still short.

Observation of the long-short watershed: In today's trading, the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level has become the focus of market attention, which is located near 0.6083. This position will determine the subsequent direction of the market and is the key to the competition between the long and short sides.

Analysis of the support level below: If the market continues to fall, we should pay attention to the support level below. Among them, 0.5937, 0.5832 and 0.5742 are three important support levels. If the price pulls back to these areas, it may trigger the intervention of buying orders and provide short-term support for the market.

Prediction of rebound pressure level: Of course, the market is always full of variables. If ENA rebounds, we need to pay close attention to the pressure level above. Especially the three positions of 0.6130, 0.6197 and 0.6262, they will become important resistance to price increases. If ENA can successfully break through these pressure levels, the market is expected to rise further.

Operational suggestions: In view of the complex situation of the current market with long and short interweaving, investors are advised to remain cautious and focus on short-term operations. Pay real-time attention to the changes in the long and short forces in the market and flexibly adjust trading strategies. At the same time, pay attention to risk control and avoid blindly chasing ups and downs. Follow me, live broadcast with real orders every day, one-on-one guidance, Xiaobai can also master the wealth code, and need to analyze the search for cottage points (public account: Encrypted Wind) ✌👗cfst115#ENA走势分析 #ENA💰智能多空策略 #ENA将解锁走势如何 #ENA做空