#SEI $SEI SEI detailed interpretation of the day's market:

Today's SEI market trend shows a bearish trend at the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels, and the market atmosphere is bearish. Among them, the long and short key points at the 4-hour level are particularly noteworthy, located near 0.3666, which will be the focus of the market's long and short forces.

If the price continues to fall, investors need to pay close attention to the support level below, first of all, 0.3566. If this level is broken, further attention should be paid to the two support levels of 0.3484 and 0.3434. These support levels will provide a certain degree of support for the price, which may be an opportunity for investors to buy the bottom or layout.

On the contrary, if the market shows signs of rebound, the upper pressure level will become the focus of investors. The three pressure levels of 0.3739, 0.3810 and 0.3934 are arranged in sequence. If the price can successfully break through these pressure levels, it may usher in a wave of rising market.

When conducting short-term transactions, investors must remain alert to the comparison of long and short forces, and flexibly adjust trading strategies according to market trends to cope with market changes. If you need to pay attention to the signal points below, please pay attention to it. Live broadcast with real orders every day, pay attention to the changes in signal points in real time, and even novices can master the code of wealth. If you need to analyze the search for the copycat points, please click cfst115#SEI.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SEI.24小时交易策略 #SEI.每日智能策略 #sei空投