The rebound of Bitcoin is too weak, and the price has also reached our long position

The current Bitcoin price is fluctuating at the bottom of the four-hour period, and the price continues to fall during the day. The rebound is weak, and Black Friday is well-deserved

After the Ethereum price rose to 3530 in the morning and reached our long position target point last night, the price fell with Bitcoin. The hourly line has fallen below the Bollinger Bands, and the price has also fluctuated around 3480

So overall, the market trend during the day is basically a fluctuating downward trend, with weak rebound strength. Once it fails to stabilize at the key point in the evening, the possibility of another decline today will greatly increase

Bitcoin must at least stabilize at the two points of 64600-65300 in the evening to continue to maintain the upward trend, and Ethereum needs to pay attention to the stabilization of the key position of 3530!

At the current point, we can first observe the bottom stabilization. If the big cake breaks the previous low support, then the price may go to 63500, which is also the lower track support of the daily line. The mid-term long orders can be covered here, and the defense can be placed at 63000. In the short term, as long as it does not fall below, long orders can still be appropriately participated in.

Ether needs to pay attention to the support of 3420-3380. In the short term, we still pay attention to the stabilization of 3480-3440 and participate in long orders. If it falls below, observe first!

As the approval of the Ethereum spot ETF is approaching, the current trend is a consolidation stage, leaving enough room for subsequent increases. The trend may be faster in the evening. Conservative friends can wait for the market to come out and stabilize before looking for opening opportunities near the support!