CPI data was released, which is slightly positive from the data point of view. Bitcoin and Ethereum also rose to our target point. Bitcoin 57100-59300 has made a profit of 2000 points, and Ethereum 3080-3200 has made a profit of 120 points. These two long orders have been emphasized last night. Follow friends and make money again. From the current trend, the price has not retreated much after the surge, and long orders can still be held. Just reduce positions and pocket some profits! Bitcoin's final target can focus on 60000-60800, and Ethereum's final target can focus on 3250 above! Bitcoin's current price is partially suppressed near the daily K-line middle track and has fallen slightly. Ethereum's price is suppressed and fell slightly on the daily MA180 moving average, but it is not a big problem. The retracement is to give opportunities to increase positions. Our entry point is very good. Just hold with a stop loss!