This week, the top catalyst for crypto exchanges appeared, and now is the time to pave the way for the future.

1. The Shutter Protocol will soon be launched on the Gnosis Chain mainnet, enhancing the security and fairness of the blockchain. This integration will revolutionize transaction security and promote the development of decentralized finance (DeFi).

2. The superposition public testnet will be officially launched on Monday, June 24.

3. @friendtech announced that it will open the transfer function of $FRIEND tokens in the next few weeks when launching friendchain.

4. @ether_fi_Fdn released the first community proposal, which proposed to purchase ETHFI with 50% of the protocol revenue. Initially, 5% of monthly revenue will be used, and future increases will be determined by community voting. Revenue comes from Staking and Liquid vaults.

5. @optimism announced that any DA layer can now build its own DA server to integrate into OP Stack, and OP Stack Chain is available for use @CelestiaOrg, @eigen_da and @AvailProject

as DA layers.

6. @near_ai claims to be back under the leadership of @ilblackdragon and @AlexSkidanov to teach AI to build Web3 applications and accelerate user Sony's vision.