
The market has been terrible recently. I suggest that you watch the market less, do more things you like, and learn more. Here I would like to share a passage with you:

Many people fall into poverty not because they lack desire, but on the contrary, because their desire is too strong, which makes them too demanding in their expectations of assets. They expect that once they invest, the value of the asset will rise instantly and continue to rise, and they will not allow any form of decline. Once the market fluctuates, they feel that they have been deceived and begin to blame others.

However, no asset can guarantee that it will only rise and not fall forever. Only those who are dishonest will promise such unrealistic returns. Mencius once said: "Those who have permanent property have perseverance, and those who have no permanent property have no perseverance." From the perspective of investment, only those who have firm beliefs and enough patience can accumulate and maintain assets with long-term appreciation. Those who are always anxious and eager for success are often not worthy of owning assets that can bring stable growth.

Therefore, even in times of economic prosperity, many people are still in poverty. They always blame others and society, but fail to realize that the real problem may lie in their own mentality and behavior.