The current market has experienced a big correction, and many people have begun to question whether the bull market is still continuing. But I want to tell you that the bull market has never left, but the reshuffle of the "618 Mid-Year Promotion" in the currency circle this time is quite strong.

The prices of mainstream coins and leading coins have fallen sharply. But every time everyone thinks that there is no opportunity in the currency circle, it is often the time when opportunities come.

BTC, ETH, BNB, and leading coins and MEME coins in major sectors that were previously considered unattainable have now fallen significantly. Most assets have a price reduction of at least 20%.

This is not to make money, but to provide everyone with an excellent buying opportunity in the middle of the year. If you miss this time, you may really need to wait another year.

When everyone generally thinks that the currency circle is hopeless, seizing this opportunity may be the key to your wealth appreciation.

In addition, there are favorable factors such as the listing of Ethereum ETF, the US presidential election, and the Fed's interest rate cut in the second half of the year. Even if the economic data this year is not good, there is a high probability that the Fed will cut interest rates at least once.

Looking back at the historical bull market, the bull market often does not end before the interest rate cut, but only after the interest rate cut, the bull market will reach a climax and end perfectly.

If you often lose your way in market fluctuations, or lack the latest information in the cryptocurrency circle, follow me, I will share bull market strategies and escape tips for free, just to grow with everyone.

If you can't find your way in the cryptocurrency circle, don't know what coin to buy, find me on Zuiye Brief, and share more information and strategies related to the cryptocurrency circle for free. #币安合约锦标赛