Some fans are curious: How long does it take to accumulate initial wealth in the cryptocurrency circle?

This depends on your definition of "first pot of gold". Is it 10,000? 50,000? Or 100,000? In fact, the length of time it takes to earn this initial wealth is closely related to market dynamics, your personal insight and luck.

But here, I especially want to emphasize "insight".

The depth of your insight is directly related to how much wealth you can accumulate in this circle.

If you don't have enough insight, in the world of digital currency, you are likely to be just one of the many "leeks" waiting to be harvested.

Without insight, you will find it difficult to distinguish which projects are truly valuable and which are just empty. And once you choose the wrong project, the money you made by luck before is likely to go down the drain.

Without insight, even if the market is very good, you may find it difficult to achieve the wealth goal you set.

Without insight, even if you encounter a project with great potential, you may miss it due to lack of confidence, and finally you can only watch it soar and regret it.

Maybe you feel that you are always lucky and can get out of the risk unscathed.

But in the currency circle, there is a widely circulated saying: "The profits you earn from 10 small projects may evaporate completely due to the failure of one project." In short, the profits you earn may eventually return to this circle.

If you always blindly follow the trend, frequently buy and sell, and have no clear investment direction, then I suggest that you might as well click to follow my homepage, where there are more latest news about the digital currency market, investment strategies and logic for screening potential coins, I hope it will be helpful to you.

If you want to know more about this opportunity in detail, or how to make wise decisions, you might as well click on the avatar and follow our homepage. We will provide you with a detailed position configuration guide to help you move forward steadily in the waves of the market, whether in a bull market or a bear market, you can find your own way to make profits.