
In early June, UXLINK officially announced that it had more than 10 million registered users, becoming the first product in the Web3 SocialFi category to reach 10 million users. A frozen ice is not formed overnight. What is the magic of UXLINK that can break through the increasingly competitive Web3 social track and achieve such efficient and sustained growth? Today, let us start with the three core values ​​of UXLINK and try to dig deep into the essence of UXLINK's user growth from the outside to the inside.


What is UXLINK?

As a product positioned as Web3 social, UXLINK's product structure is divided into three levels.


The UXLINK application layer mainly provides basic product services for ecological applications, including growth fission, group functions, etc. This layer uses MPC-TSS wallet account services and group-based EOA account services to lower user access barriers and protect asset security. The main products are:

  1. UX Wallet & DID: Users can create an MPC-based AA enhanced wallet through Telegram to achieve social recovery and custody, taking into account security and low entry. When creating a wallet, zk technology will automatically be used to establish SBT based on real-world connections for users, protecting privacy while inheriting autonomous identity and off-chain social interaction.

  2. UX Group: The group is the basic unit of the UXLINK social network, which manages group resources and data through AI to achieve empowerment.

  3. UX Social DEX: Users can directly trade crypto assets based on AA wallet. IDO platform and lending platform will be launched later.

The second layer: protocol service layer and infrastructure layer - supporting the expansion of external scenarios

The protocol layer provides an open interface, and developers can efficiently manage user social identities and relationship data through APIs and ABIs, ensuring seamless integration of dynamically combined on-chain social applications.

The infrastructure layer adopts a hybrid scalable architecture (EVM + IPFS + cloud), integrating EVM chains such as Ethereum mainnet, Arbitrum ONE, BNB chain, Base Chain, as well as decentralized storage and centralized data indexing services, fundamentally retaining the scalability of the ecosystem.

As for interface expansion, UXLINK hopes to break through the limitations of the Web2 marketing SaaS platform. The value of user data is no longer single, and each application scenario means a new value dimension. This is the key to breaking the social death spiral.

The third layer: Social Liquidity Layer (to be launched)

It is a user-sovereign, underlying infrastructure that enables social relationships and data to be assetized and circulated, and can support users and developers to safely transfer their social assets across different public chains and Dapps.

Compared with the previous two generations of SocialFi products, UXLINK targeted the niche scenario of acquaintance social networking at the beginning of its design, and designed a dual-token model on the asset side, trying to integrate asset attributes. The product architecture is relatively complex, divided into the basic application layer, protocol service layer and infrastructure layer, and the three support and complement each other. At the same time, UXLINK has reserved enough interfaces for the access of external protocols, forming a social ecosystem that includes traffic entry, social asset transactions, and infrastructure. This system design aims to overcome the problems of the previous two generations of SocialFi products, such as insufficient user benefit expectations and overly closed systems, and strive to make improvements in openness and user benefits.

User growth catalyzed by the concept of “acquaintance social networking”

UXLINK's core strategy is to build a social network based on acquaintance relationships. In the real world, most of our social interactions occur between acquaintances, such as communication and cooperation. This kind of acquaintance social interaction based on trust is the main form of real social interaction. At the same time, acquaintance social interaction has a natural network effect foundation. It can naturally transition from one-to-one to many-to-many, group and other forms, making it easier to form a three-dimensional social network. In scenarios such as social media, stranger social interaction can also be transformed into acquaintance relationships, becoming an important channel for expanding social networks.

UXLINK deeply integrates this concept of social networking among acquaintances into the SocialFi product.

Its core technology is to capture the frequency and density of social interactions and create a Web3 social ecosystem based on real-world social interactions. In fact, social products based on acquaintance relationships have been widely verified worldwide, including leading products such as WhatsApp and Facebook. Based on this huge user base and complete infrastructure, we can expect the UXLINK ecosystem to achieve a new round of SocialFi wave in the future. This innovative model of transforming real-world social networks into Web3 forms brings new social interactions and value possibilities to users and developers. Let us look forward to the wonderful performance of UXLINK and other SocialFi projects in the future.

Core Value 1: Redefining and Strictly Controlling “Registered Users”

As we mentioned at the beginning, UXLINK currently has more than 10 million registered users. It is also the first and only SocialFi project in the global Web3 social field to officially enter the 10 million club, with more users than all other projects that have been listed or have not yet been listed. In the past, we may be more inclined to judge a SocialFi product by TVL than by user volume, largely because the number of users may be fake or zombie accounts, which cannot bring actual value to the product and community.

However, for UXLINK, they strictly control the concept of "registered users" through product design. It is not that simply having a UXLINK account or wallet is included in the category of registered users, but that one must be invited by acquaintances, verified by human-computer interaction, and actually use the UXLINK series of DApps to be considered a formal registered user. Despite such restrictions, the number of registered users counted by UXLINK still exceeds 10 million, ranking first among Web3 SocialFi projects.

Even compared with the NOTCOIN mini-game that went viral in the Telegram ecosystem some time ago, under the condition that the caliber of counting the number of users is obviously more stringent, UXLINK's users have a higher proportion of on-chain interactions, a higher daily active volume, and a stronger stickiness between users and the product. This shows UXLINK's current status in the minds of Web3 social users.

Core Value 2: Unprecedented community makes the upper limit difficult to estimate

For almost any to C product, community consensus is the basis for its growth and currency price, especially for the SocialFi track that combines social and financial attributes. The community consensus determines the upper limit of a product. Although TGE has not yet officially arrived, users' consensus on UXLINK has already taken shape.

Currently, UXLINK has more than 1.6 million community NFT holders, each of which is an airdrop certificate for $UXLINK tokens, and the number is increasing rapidly. Even before the anti-witch action was carried out before the airdrop, UXLINK has actually accumulated more than one million token holders.

The more token holders there are, the higher the TVL of the project, and the stronger the market consensus on the project; and consensus will lead to more transactions, thereby enhancing the liquidity of the token. Community consensus, TVL growth and token price promote each other, forming a positive feedback growth flywheel, achieving rapid and sustainable user growth.

At present, UXLINK is not only the SocialFi project with the largest number of users in the world, but also the SocialFi project with the largest number of holders in the world. In the pre-TGE stage, it has accumulated an unprecedentedly strong community consensus, and it is still growing rapidly over time. At present, it is still difficult to estimate where the ceiling of UXLINK is.

Core Value 3: Complete Token Economic Model Introduces Positive Externalities into the UXLINK Ecosystem

If consensus determines the upper limit, then the design of the economic model largely determines whether the growth of a product is short-lived or long-lasting. From the previous experience, the first two generations of SocialFi products were either too ambitious or over-emphasized the "Fi" attribute, and ultimately failed to attract a large number of users in the long term and achieve sustainable growth. In this regard, UXLINK uses a classic dual-currency economic model, aiming to achieve the maximum return based on fairness for the entire ecosystem and the participants in the ecosystem, thereby injecting positive externalities into the ecosystem to support continued rapid growth.

In addition, $UXLINK, the main governance token in the dual-currency model, has a very clear and rigid use and consumption scenario in the UXLINK ecosystem. $UXLINK is mainly used for community governance and to capture real benefits from the UXLINK ecosystem and distribute them to token holders. At present, the UXLINK ecosystem has covered more than 100 partners, and will increase in the future. At the same time, any use of the call data of the UXLINK protocol requires the payment of $UXLINK. From the perspective of the economic model, $UXLINK will not be generated out of thin air, and it needs to be purchased on the exchange to form a buying order, such as paying $TON to buy advertisements in Telegram.

On the other hand, a large number of users also need to pay certain fees for their interactions on the UXLINK platform and within the ecosystem. Although UXLINK's current strategy is to charge utility tokens $UXUY as fees, as the number of users increases, once $UXLINK is charged in the future, there will be a buying order at the level of tens of millions of users. From the perspective of the project, this is also UXLINK's profit model, and it is currently profitable when calculated by TOKEN value. Therefore, under the premise that the maximum supply of $UXLINK is determined, all scenarios are purchasing and consuming this token. In the long run, it is an obvious deflationary mechanism, forming a stable price support and helping UXLINK achieve sustainable development. Compared with other social games such as NOTCOIN, the economic model does not have this attribute at all. For this reason, compared with other TG games and BOT, UXLINK's rich social ecology gives it a unique track positioning form, and the complete economic model injects continuous vitality into it.

UXLINK and its S-level team

As Seven X Ventures commented, UXLINK is a typical S-level founder leading an S-level team. They have been deeply involved in the Internet industry for many years and have accumulated rich front-line experience in product development, user growth, operation management and financing. They have operated social products with more than 100 million users and have excellent execution and resource integration capabilities.

After entering the Web3 field, the UXLINK team has demonstrated amazing learning and iteration capabilities. They quickly mastered the concepts, technical frameworks, and token economic models of Web3. They were not satisfied with following the path of the pioneers, but found their own positioning and entry angles. With rich entrepreneurial experience, the UXLINK team can efficiently deliver products, implement large-scale marketing activities, and connect with partners in a short period of time. They have released strong execution and resource integration capabilities, which has laid a solid foundation for the rapid development of UXLINK.

Web3 Social Mass Adoption at Your Fingertips

Looking at the overall situation, the current crypto market is in full swing, which is quite similar to the Internet wave in the 1990s. In this new round of technological trends, Farcaster and UXLINK, as leaders in the Web3 social field, have demonstrated their own unique ecological strategies. Farcaster adopts an open protocol and developer-friendly approach to encourage innovation and diversification. This strategy has promoted the rapid expansion of the ecosystem and the richness of user experience.

Similar to Farcaster, UXLink also adheres to the concept of open ecology and developer support to ensure technological innovation and application diversification. However, UXLINK focuses more on promoting the sustainable development of the ecology and the active participation of the community. By incentivizing early users and community governance, UXLINK ensures fairness and growth incentives, and promotes application innovation through infrastructure construction. Today, the efforts made by the UXLINK team have begun to bear fruit, and the efficient and stable user growth and the community consensus that has begun to take shape are the best evidence. It can be foreseen that under the historical materialism, the transition from Crypto Adoption to Mass Adoption is inevitable.

The emergence of the first 10 million level club has become a milestone moment on the road to mass adoption of Web3 social networks.