"Mass Adoption" is a continuous narrative theme in the Web3 field. Its core goal is to migrate the huge user base accumulated by the Web2 platform to the Web3 ecosystem. Every project on the road to promoting the mass adoption narrative will and should become the focus of the entire market.

Because of this, Mass Adoption will become one of the ultimate goals of many Web3 products, especially Web3 social products that pay special attention to user participation. So, when a project embarks on the path of Mass Adoption, what trends will emerge? What characteristics are worth learning and reference for other projects?

To this end, we have selected UXLINK and NOTCOIN, two of the most popular projects in Crypto social networking recently, and will conduct in-depth analysis from the data level to illustrate what requirements the product needs to meet at the data level in order to achieve basic Mass Adoption?

Take Notcoin as an example. Relying on the TON ecosystem and Telegram, a world-class social product with an average monthly active user base of 900 million, Notcoin uses lightweight Tap-to-Earn for mining and virality, allowing many new users to enter Web3 through the Telegram portal. Since its launch on January 1, 2024, Notcoin has become one of the most popular and user-friendly channels on Telegram. The community is extremely popular, with more than 30 million participants and more than 6 million Telegram groups, achieving great success.

NOTCOIN has attracted tens of millions of user groups before its listing, among which the number of active users has reached one million. On May 16, NOTCOIN was successfully listed on a number of top exchanges. Its current full circulation market value (FDV) has reached US$1.2 billion. Users participating in the project have generally achieved significant wealth growth.

On the road to implementing Mass Adoption, UXLINK, a social platform and infrastructure, uses Link-to-Earn, a social relationship among acquaintances, to build a Web3 social network and organize users into acquaintance groups, serving both users and developers. According to UXLINK's official website, UXLINK has over 7 million registered users, covering 100,000 groups and reaching 8 million users. As of now, the product still has great growth potential in terms of relevant data.

In the following content, we will conduct an in-depth comparative analysis of NOTCOIN and UXLINK based on core fundamental data.

When comparing projects, we face the challenge of difficult to verify off-chain data sources. Therefore, this analysis will focus on evaluating two projects in different fields from the perspective of on-chain data. NOTCOIN's on-chain data is mainly on the TON blockchain, while UXLINK's core data is concentrated in the Arbitrum/EVM ecosystem.

  1. From the perspective of on-chain holders:

Based on the on-chain data of the TON blockchain, we observed that before the Token Generation Event (TGE), NOTCOIN had approximately 220,000 holders. Since its listing, the number of holders has steadily increased and currently exceeds 1 million. If we use event analysis to attribute growth, Notcoin's core growth momentum comes more from various incentives after listing.

According to data provided by Dune Analytics, UXLINK currently has over 3 million on-chain point holders and about 1.4 million NFT holders. Public data shows that these NFT holders are high-value users with a large accumulation of on-chain points in the UXLINK community, and are the only credentials for obtaining airdrops. Therefore, we can reasonably infer that before UXLINK went public, the number of its token holders was about 1.4 million or more, exceeding the scale of NOTCOIN after its listing. The subsequent situation remains to be verified, but if UXLINK can continue to find relevant growth momentum and maintain the same growth rate, it is not difficult to imagine its huge development space.

  1. From the perspective of active users

When analyzing the active user data of NOTCOIN, we found that during the Token Generation Event (TGE) and the 5 days thereafter, the number of active users was mainly between 300,000 and 500,000, and showed a gradually declining trend.

For UXLINK, on-chain data shows that its daily active users have exceeded 500,000. Specifically, in the time range of 24 hours, 7 days and 30 days, the number of active users is 574,000, 1 million and 3.8 million respectively. These data show that UXLINK's user engagement has remained at a high level at different time scales. It should be emphasized that the current data growth momentum is mostly derived from marketing and the product's own attributes. If enabled by the TGE event, there may be some greater changes.

  1. Let’s look at the distribution of tokens

The total supply of NOT tokens is 102,719,221,714. According to the distribution plan, 78% of the tokens will be distributed to miners participating in the Tap-to-Earn mining mechanism and Voucher holders. The remaining 22% will be reserved for future ecosystem funds and development funds to support the continued development of the project and the expansion of the ecosystem.

The total supply of UXLINK tokens is set at 1,000,000,000. Of this total, 65% of the tokens will be allocated to community contributors and developers through mechanisms such as POW (Proof of Work), Link-to-Earn (Link Earn) and Build-to-Earn (Build Earn). The remaining 35% will be allocated to investors, team members, and project development to ensure financial support for the project and incentives for the team.

In the Web3 ecosystem, there are only a handful of projects that can gather more than 5 million users. Although the two projects we discussed are in different business fields, which limits the possibility of our in-depth business analysis. However, by comparing their on-chain data, we can still reveal the common characteristics of projects that have succeeded in achieving MADD adoption. These characteristics are not only crucial for evaluating the current wealth effect of the project, but also have a far-reaching impact on predicting future trends in the entire market. Therefore, we should continue to respect and closely observe those projects that are committed to promoting large-scale user adoption.

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