#CRV $CRV Today's market analysis

1. Market trend

Multiple market: CRV is currently in a multi-party market state at the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels, showing the overall upward trend of the market.

2. Pullback signal

Purple signal: In a multi-party market, once a purple signal appears, it is usually regarded as a warning of a pullback trend. Investors need to pay close attention to market trends so that they can respond promptly when a pullback occurs.

3. Key position

Multiple-short watershed: Special attention should be paid to the multi-short watershed position at the 4-hour level today, which is around 0.3220. This position is the key point to judge the future trend of the market.

If the price remains above 0.3220, the multi-party market may continue;

If the price falls below 0.3220, a pullback or market turn may occur.

Support level: If the market shows a downward trend, there are several important support levels below that are worth paying attention to:

First, 0.3124, which is the first support level;

If the price continues to decline, it will face the support of 0.3047 next;

Finally, 0.2974, which is a more critical support level in the downward trend.

Pressure level: If the market rebounds, there are several pressure levels above that need to be paid attention to:

First, 0.3530, which is the first pressure level;

If the price can break through 0.3530, it will face the pressure of 0.3641 next;

The highest pressure level is 0.3774. If the price can reach this position, the market may enter a new rising stage.

IV. Trading strategy

Watching the market short-term: In the current market environment, it is recommended that investors adopt a short-term trading strategy of watching the market and pay attention to the market's long and short fluctuations at any time.

Risk control: No matter how the market fluctuates, investors should remain calm and strictly control risks. While setting stop-loss points, positions should also be adjusted in time according to market conditions.

Summary: The current CRV market is in a multi-party state, but investors still need to remain vigilant and pay attention to the possible callback trend in the market. At the same time, by paying attention to the pressure and support of key positions, formulate reasonable trading strategies to cope with market changes.

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