Weekly summary of the million-dollar flip plan, Bitcoin scored 6,400 points, will the market outlook be bullish or bullish?

In the blink of an eye, it’s the weekend again. Let’s briefly summarize the “stimulation” of this week’s market rhythm. Every day there are fluctuations of two to three thousand points. During the day, retail investors enter the market to pull up, and at night, Gouzhuang uses the news to cooperate with the market and the market falls back. For some friends, it is simply a hellish level of difficulty, but for us, the pioneers who specialize in real trading, one word is "earn", and we gained 6,400 points in total!

There are reminders for the short-term band every day, and the whole network of Yingkui is open to the public. Although one or two short-term sweeps may cause losses, it is not harmful. If you are also in the pain of sweeps and are at a loss, you will be 🍑 if you open the sky. You can change your mind. , change the direction and leave things to professionals. Today I am also here to insert an advertisement for myself. A teacher who has been in the financial market for seven years has no capital packaging platform to promote him. He can only rely on his own hard power and step by step. For ten years, I have been working conscientiously at my job every day, writing every analysis, making every layout, and guiding every customer. I have reached this day in the currency circle, knowing that integrity wins the world and strength is the cornerstone of cooperation. reason

As for the market rhythm at the weekend, what we need is to be cautious. There have been frequent washouts recently, and a wave of pins can knock out the defense at any time. From the technical structure, the overall shape is still weak, and it is currently in the correction stage after the retracement. , although there is no further continuation of the decline during the day, the rebound high point is gradually moving downwards, converging the running space of the K-line. From the daily level, the intraday moving average indicators turn downward and diverge, although it is not It is an obvious unilateral signal, but there are signs of a step-down trend. If the 65,000 mark falls today and tomorrow, it is expected to test the 63,500 weekly support again. This position will not break unless it breaks the range, and it is still expected to rely on it in the future. A staged rebound within the range will begin, but once it falls below effectively, Bitcoin is expected to have another sharp drop!

If you are still running into obstacles in the currency circle and are unable to get out of the predicament, you might as well walk with the light, and you will surely be reborn. #币安合约锦标赛 B#美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥