There are 57,000 farmers in the United States with an annual income of more than 7.2 million yuan. There are 170,000 farmers in the United States with an annual income between 2.52 million and 7.19 million yuan. There are 1.663 million farmers in the United States with an annual income between 540,000 and 2.51 million yuan. There are a total of 1.89 million farmers in the United States. Seven years ago, there were 2.04 million farmers in the United States. In the past seven years, 150,000 have been acquired through mergers and acquisitions. In the United States, there are 57,000 large farmers. They will hire a large number of young people to be farmers. Many of these young people come from cities. The young people hired have a high income because there are not many young people willing to work hard in the United States. In order to retain manpower, the income of farmers on large farms in the United States is not low. Among the 1.663 million small farms, many families are mainly in charge. These families do not need to hire labor for a long time. Most of the work on the farm can be done by the whole family together. They only need to use a large number of mechanical farm tools and drive a large number of agricultural vehicles for sowing and harvesting. The annual income of these small farmers in the United States is 540,000 RMB for two or three people. They live on the farm, and their expenses are lower than those in the city. 30 years ago, Chinese people envied American farmers. Now some Chinese families can earn 540,000 RMB working in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. For example, banks, civil servants, teachers, doctors, and other couples. However, the salary and benefits of Chinese delivery couples, courier couples, factory worker couples, etc. are still far behind those in the United States. #ZKsync空投争议 #AirdropGuide #欧洲杯开赛 #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 $USDC $SOL $BNB