According to PANews, security firm Dilation Effect has issued a warning about recent attempts by attackers to make large-scale fake deposits of USDT (Tether) on the TON chain. Dilation Effect's on-chain monitoring system detected a malicious address, EQBPePiHXhg8XzSRe6FWsDS8s2OHLS1Z2GrW2REL56pMTIKA, deploying counterfeit USDT token contracts. The metadata of these contracts is identical to the official USDT, and tests for fake deposits have already been conducted on various exchanges.

Dilation Effect specifically warned that many exchanges have only recently started supporting USDT deposits on the TON chain. Their systems may not be fully developed and could be vulnerable to fake deposit attacks. The typical strategy of attackers is to start with small test deposits and gradually increase the amount, in an attempt to defraud larger sums of money. Exchanges should enhance their monitoring, especially for large TON chain USDT deposits, to prevent the impact of fake deposit incidents on the security of funds.