I know that everyone has had a hard time opening these days‼ ️Spot traders are basically stuck‼ ️

So I want to talk about a concept. The bull market actually has nothing to do with the price, but only with the amplitude‼ ️So I think we should stop using the term bull market. The current amplitude is no longer a bull market

Is the bull market just about high prices😂Then tell me whether last year's Bitcoin price of 30,000 was a super bull market compared to the previous price of 2,000⁉️

So it doesn't make much sense to measure the bull market with absolute values. Now you can see that the cottage industry has fallen like a dog, and Bitcoin is basically fluctuating. So I suggest that although the bear market has not come yet, it is not a bull market now. Be cautious. Losses are all in the bull market. Remember this truth

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