As I said, ETH and BTC will go out of the correction trend of oscillating and rising after stopping the decline‼ ️

It has been said that BTC and Ethereum will both stop falling after the non-agricultural data, and will then go out of the correction trend of wide range fluctuations‼ ️

Yesterday, a friend asked me in the comment area about the wide range fluctuation area. It was said that the 60,000 mark would be tested. You can look at 59,800. The short orders of 3024 in the Ethereum community fell to 2820 to stop profit. The external position moved up to 3054 and fell to 2890 again. It moved up again to the 3112 short orders given to everyone yesterday, and ate all the wide range fluctuations along the way‼ ️

Knowledge and action are one. We said that we will do every order given to you by ourselves. All short orders are entered at each given pressure point to make huge profits🤑🤑#美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?