
From the data this time, we can see that investors who made profits earlier are completely indifferent to the price drop and almost do not participate in the turnover. The data of BTC on the chain is the most fair, and no transfer will be missed. Therefore, the conclusion is that the so-called dog dealers will not smash the market unless they are losing money, and the whales will not leave the market unless they are losing money.

Because it is obvious from the data that 75% of the BTC involved in the turnover are investors who are losing money, and very few profitable investors leave the market. Let's think about how many wide fluctuations there are around $65,000. If they are undetermined investors, they would have left long ago. Those who hold it now want to continue waiting for the climax of the bull market. After all, the bull market after halving has not started yet.

On the other hand, the support of around $65,000 that has been mentioned for two months has not changed until now. Investors between $64,000 and $69,000 have not left the market on a large scale. Those who hold the largest amount of BTC do not leave, and those who can participate in the turnover are very limited. The main reason for the current price drop is still the liquidity problem. There is not enough depth. Even one BTC can cause the price to fall by $10,000. These people do not leave, not because they are stupid, but because they do not care about short-term prices at all.

Those who care about short-term prices have already changed hands, which is why the stock of BTC in the exchange is getting smaller and smaller, because most investors will not withdraw from the exchange if they want to participate in short-term turnover, and those who withdraw from the exchange have no intention of selling in the short term.

This is not what I said casually. It can be seen from the stock of the exchange that even if the price of BTC is falling now, it still refreshes the lowest stock value in the past six years. A large number of investors have not panicked about the current price, and the supporting investors have no signs of selling.

We can even clearly see that the amount of BTC transferred in and out of the exchange in recent working days is very low, which also proves what was said before, that most investors are not interested in participating in the turnover.

My personal opinion is that as long as the support is not broken, even if it falls below $65,000, it will rebound in a short time. The current situation is very similar to last year's $26,000.