
There was indeed an increase 24 hours ago, but 24 hours ago, the price of BTC was actually about the same as it is now. It is equivalent to oscillating back to a similar position after a day.

Why is this happening? Everyone should understand that the decline was due to a significant increase in employment in the non-agricultural data, and the subsequent increase was due to the CPI data being lower than expected. The two data are actually competing with the Fed's dot plot in June, so the priority of the dot plot should be the highest in a quarter, second only to adjusting interest rates.

In layman's terms, as long as the interest rate adjustment is not involved every three months, the expectations brought by the dot plot are the greatest, followed by inflation, unemployment and other data. These data are all for adjusting interest rates. So before the dot plot came out, I said that three or more times are good news, two times are in line with expectations, slightly bad news, and one or less than one time is bad news.

So when the conclusion comes out, isn't it normal that the increase caused by CPI being lower than expected is wiped out? Then some friends will ask why it didn't fall immediately, but waited for so long. These friends probably didn't read my tweets for a long time, and may not be very clear about the "4 a.m." theory.

In other words, the time when American investors are more focused on the currency market is 4 a.m. and radiates out. The trading volume begins to rise 1 to 2 hours before 4 a.m., and the trading volume drops sharply 1 to 2 hours after 4 a.m. In layman's terms, after Powell's speech, the peak trading time in the US currency circle has basically passed, and after the opening of the US stock market today, the mood gradually began to ferment.

Then back to the question that friends are most concerned about, is it that the dog dealer is smashing the market now, are the giant whales starting to flee, and is the bull market over? I don't think so. From the data, although the news in the past 24 hours is bad, BTC has an extremely low turnover rate. This is what I have always emphasized before. It is difficult for investors to sell their BTC after the market is smashed.