Can I still buy BTC now?

If you are a more mature trader who has been working in this industry for many years, then you may think that the increase of BTC can no longer satisfy you. It is true that many high-quality altcoins will increase more than BTC, but now with the support of spot ETFs and halving events, I think you can still consider BTC carefully.

If you are a novice, then your biggest problem is that you don’t know where to enter the market. You always want to wait for a callback before buying. It is possible that you don’t buy 60,000 now and wait for a callback. The next time you look at it, it will exceed 100,000.

So you actually need to customize a plan for yourself. If you have planned your investment amount, you can buy 30% first. If it rises, you won’t miss it. If it falls, you can also have 70% of the funds to increase your position.

If you like spot, want to roll funds together, and hoard bull market spot

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In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities! ! !