Each bull market, from the beginning to the middle, and then to the end.

The weekly line will experience three double top structures. So far, the cloud map weekly line has experienced two double tops, and there is still a large-scale double top structure. However, before the next double top, the market may usher in a weekly level correction and adjustment.

Before the start of the last bull market, there was a double top, during the main rising wave, there was a double top, and finally after 519, there was a double top. After three double tops, the market went bearish. At present, this bull market has gone through two double tops. This double top may usher in a major adjustment trend. After sorting out, the market will go through the third weekly double top structure.

In fact, the last double top is also the last chance for retail investors. If you can't catch this bull market, you will basically miss it. This wave of market is very disgusting and will not give retail investors a chance at all.

If this position is adjusted for two or three months or even longer, basically retail investors will lose money, and most people will miss the last surge. Maybe the bear market has come and retail investors are still fantasizing about the bull market. After losing money, they will realize that the bull market is over.

So my current view on the market is that it has entered a large-scale adjustment range. If you want to get on board at a good position, especially for long-term contract players, this position is definitely not the best.

Finally, if you are a pure novice and you are excited to rush into the cryptocurrency circle when you see BTC hit a record high, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

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