Revealing the winning rules of trading masters: How to win in a volatile market!

The more you hold the right orders, the easier it is to close them in a good position:

This means holding the correct positions confirmed after careful analysis and research, and not easily selling them due to market fluctuations, and it is easier to close the positions at the position where profits are maximized.

The premise of not cutting positions easily:

The premise is to see the trend correctly, and at the same time, the position should not be too heavy to reduce the psychological pressure and actual risks when the market fluctuates unfavorably.

The premise of stop loss is to know right and wrong:

Stop loss is not only to control losses, but more importantly to correct mistakes. When it is clear that the judgment is wrong, stop loss should be stopped quickly to avoid further losses.

Stop loss cannot be set based on the magnitude of capital loss:

Trading decisions should be based on the correctness of trading logic and analysis, rather than simply setting stop loss points based on the proportion of capital loss.

Problems with hanging stop loss orders:

In a market with poor liquidity, hanging stop loss orders may face the risk of not being able to trade. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively consider market liquidity, stop loss points and trading strategies.

Capital size and entry and exit methods: Large and small capital have different needs and restrictions in trading, so different entry and exit strategies are required. What to do if you make a mistake: When you realize that your trading strategy or analysis is wrong, you should take immediate action to stop loss and exit the market. Stop loss is to stop error: The real purpose of stop loss is to prevent the wrong trading strategy from continuing to be executed, resulting in greater losses. Run away immediately if it is wrong: In trading, once you find that the trading strategy or market situation is not in line with expectations, you should take immediate action to avoid further losses. Reasons for difficulty in closing positions: It is usually difficult to close positions because there is no clear trading basis or plan when entering the market, which makes it impossible to make decisive decisions when facing market fluctuations. In addition, psychological factors such as greed and fear will also affect the decision to close positions. In order to better implement these trading principles, traders need to: Develop clear trading plans and strategies, including entry, exit and stop loss points. Stay calm and rational, and not be affected by market fluctuations and emotions. The password will be announced in my circle of good friends.Click my avatar to see my profile. Let's talk. Free password,

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