Analysis of the market trend on July 4

Yesterday, the market price of CNY fell from the highest point of 62279 to 57611, a drop of nearly 5,000 points, and then quickly rebounded from 57611 to 59072, nearly 1,300 points, indicating that the support below is still strong. From the four-hour closing, there is no obvious stop-loss signal. Currently, we are paying attention to the short-term opportunities at the 15-minute level. At present, the strong support below CNY is 58500-58300-58000, and the strong pressure above is 59000-59500-59885. Today, we are paying attention to the short-term opportunities in the market shock range of 58000-59850. The overall idea is to focus on the short-term of the shock market, with high-altitude and low-multiple short-term, with high-altitude as the main and short-term multiplication as the auxiliary. If the market continues to break 58000, the strong support below is 56500, and we can wait patiently for the main connection below. There is no particularly good trading opportunity in the current trend, so we should wait and see as much as possible!

Big Pie Strategy 1

Long around 58350

Stop loss 58200

Stop profit target 58600-58850

Big Pie Strategy 2

Short around 59400

Stop loss 59600

Stop profit around 59000-58850

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