Personal growth experience reminder

1. Making mistakes is part of your learning

No one does not make mistakes. Summarizing and reflecting after making mistakes can avoid making mistakes again in the future. This is also one of the important ways for humans to grow.

2. Learn from those who criticize you

People nowadays are too smart. They say one thing to one person and another to another. Those who dare to criticize your mistakes are definitely your noble people!

3. Don't compare yourself with others

Everyone has a different starting point and different experiences. Don't force yourself to be better than others in everything. The real opponent is yourself. Just make yourself stronger than yesterday.

4. There is no standard answer to doing anything

Right and wrong are not so absolute. Maybe the right thing now will become a huge mistake in 100 years. No one can tell what is right and what is wrong.

5. Accept your weaknesses as your "characteristics"

Everyone has countless weaknesses. A swimming champion must not be able to play boxing. Accepting yourself, recognizing yourself, and promoting your strengths is the kingly way.

6. Treat your life as an adventurous journey

The most important thing in life is happiness. Enjoying every day in life is the ultimate meaning of living.

7. Stick to what you believe in, even if it's unpopular

Every successful person has had a lonely time, almost no one can understand us and support us; we must insist on going our own way to the end.

8. Don't underestimate your talent until you apply it 1000 times

Believe in yourself, what others can do, you can also do through your own efforts. Be brave to try!

9. Every problem you encounter is not unique

All the hardships and difficulties you have experienced have been experienced by countless people. You can learn from the experience of your predecessors and take fewer detours.

10. Intelligence is relative, but self-esteem is not

Intelligence and ability will change over time, but self-esteem is absolute, and people should strive to maintain self-esteem.

11. Express your emotions in a creative way

Everyone has many bad emotions, and we can transform them into art, writing, painting, etc. to release our emotions in a healthy way.

12. Be with people who want you to succeed

Most people are laughing at you. Be with people who really encourage you and help you.


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