Many times, we will encounter this situation.

When a currency falls, we want to buy it,

but we are afraid that it will continue to fall, so we dare not buy it at this time.

But then it rises again, and we think it can rise again.

If we don’t buy it, there will be no chance, so we buy it decisively.

But who knows that we will be trapped as soon as we buy it, and then it will fall all the way!

What should we do if we are trapped?

1. Calm analysis: carefully study market dynamics, project fundamentals, etc. to determine whether there is still a chance of reversal.

2. Evaluate risk tolerance: determine how much loss and time cost you can bear.

3. Wait for the opportunity: Sometimes market fluctuations may bring opportunities for unwinding, but this is very uncertain.

But in any case, don’t blindly add investment to try to recover losses, so as not to fall into a bigger predicament. As long as it is not a fake coin, there is hope for unwinding, be a friend of time!

The above content is for information sharing only and does not constitute any investment advice!

Investment is risky, be cautious when entering the market!

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