The market in recent days seems to have lasted for a year for leveraged traders. Some traders stopped losses manually for fear of further decline, and some traders were forced to close their positions by the system. Then it rebounded (or they did the same operation for fear of continued rise), but spot traders seemed to have just had a dream and did not suffer any substantial losses. (In fact, there are still many traders who have not returned to the starting point).

So why do you use leverage? Is it just to experience the pleasure of the process? In fact, you already know the result before playing, but you still have to complain to others afterwards. You can't even make money playing spot, but you want to get a share of the contract!

But if it is just to satisfy human nature, then why not just play short-term? Even if you play short-term too much, the operation will become distorted, and indulging human nature is still terrible!

Insist on keeping most of the positions for long-term spot trading. The essence of this logic is to prevent yourself from overestimating human nature and exchanging time for certainty. This can both satisfy human nature and leave room for chips!

The logic of spot investment is the simplest and clearest. The only difficulty lies in execution.

Ignore the price itself, focus on the underlying logic, overcome greed, overcome boredom, and overcome irrational fantasies!

This is the most difficult thing to do in the current market. Now some projects have good underlying logic but they just don’t pull up the price, so you will feel that they are rubbish. However, memes without any logic are pulling up the price, and they are considered gold in the market.

As for ignoring the price, it is even more difficult to do. For example, a token is close to full circulation and has a very good underlying logic, but it does not rise but keeps declining. At this time, what everyone sees is that the price is falling instead of looking at the market value falling. The advantage of this kind of token is that there is no need to worry about the problem that the market value will rise but the price will not rise. If the underlying logic is very good, there is no need to worry about the market value not growing. If you look back at what I said, most tokens are close to full circulation, and the market value that can be applied to subsequent development is not very large. As for the logical straightening out, whether the price will rise, how much it will rise, and when it will rise, it can only be left to the market!

As for overcoming greed and fantasy, it is even more difficult. When a token realizes rapid growth in price, we want to earn more. If there is a continuous growth, we will imagine that we can earn as much as the price rises. Then we will be subconsciously thinking that this is our exit target. If you are afraid of missing out, it is best to do it in batches. Of course, if you can double your principal, you can withdraw and let it develop. Why do you need to pay attention to the zero-cost chips? $BTC $ETH

In fact, after saying so much, the possibility that no more than 10% can be truly achieved is higher than 90%. However, if this 10% can be achieved, the probability of investment success is higher than 90%.

More than 90% of investors cannot do this, and the probability of investment success among these 90% is less than 10%. The market is so cruel that it is impossible for anyone to make money all the time. When you lose money, you can only try to lose as little as possible, but when a certain time point comes, it is your turn to make money. If your assets and returns grow, then it is healthy! #森北报案#