The trend of Bitcoin is quite similar to last year's market. A high point of 31k in April, followed by a bottom of 24k in June, a mid-term rebound of 7 to a new high, and then the market in October. The trend from March to now is quite similar.

If you follow the same path, this time is not far away.

I saw that my positions in the altcoin have been overdrawn in advance, and most of them are no longer following the Bitcoin retreat. Normally, according to the strength of yesterday, it is normal for the altcoin to be ➖20+, but most of them are around 5.

The current altcoin is lower than the water level on April 14, 24. In addition, October to March 23 has been a round of altcoin season. The current altcoin water level has reached the level after 519 in 21, so the expected 519 and 312 have already come. This is the bottom of the altcoin, and it needs to be digested sideways before a new altcoin season.

Of course, the suggestion is that other people's money is yours and your losses are also yours. It's not a copycat, but I just hope to see you guys make a comeback. It's almost the only way, if not the only way. $BTC $ETH $BNB