1. The rules have changed

In fact, most people knew about the cryptocurrency world after 2015, so most people did not participate in the bull market before the 2017 bull market. Most people participated in the bull market starting from 2017, and then in 2021, everyone was looking for patterns through the first two bull markets and making money through the patterns. Once the patterns are broken, basically many people will not think about it, breaking the comfort zone of thinking. Once it is different from their previous operations, there are only two results to face: one is losing money, and the other is missing out.

2. The dealer has changed

Why did the rules change? It’s mainly because the market makers have changed. In this round of bull market, a lot of formal funds have entered the market. The bull market hasn’t come yet, but the big funds have already entered the market. Retail investors are confused. Is the bull market coming? But only the mainstream and meme coins are bullish, and other value coins are standing in line and not making any moves. The market makers are really good at playing games, and they have made retail investors sick.

3. Retail investors have not changed

In fact, the mentality of leeks has not changed, and they tend to have fixed thinking. Many of them are just following the previous rhythm, but the rhythm has changed and retail investors will not play anymore. In the past, they studied value coins, but in this round of bull market, they directly give you memes and a bunch of air coins to confuse you. And they chase after the rise, but there is no bottom when the air coins fall, so the ones who lose money are naturally the retail investors who chase the rise.

After this round of bull market, the possibility of making a fortune in the cryptocurrency circle is basically very small, and the market fluctuations will not be very large. Even if there are fluctuations, retail investors will not be able to catch them. Retail investors are more likely to buy at the top. Because the top shipment of Bitcoin in this wave is very slow, it is obvious that retail investors need to have enough time to buy. The pace will be slower in the future.

The dog dealer is really a dog. He won't let go of my little tricks. If you can't beat him, just join! Or you can make a little profit in the bull market and run away. #BTC #ETH