$SOL 155 was successfully received

$STX publicly disclosed the 1.9 fleet, 2.5 was not sold out, 2.2 continued to enter the market, 2.27 sold half of the position, and the rest continued to hold the position.

$WIF was trapped above, and only 2.4 could be selected to cover the position.

This is the value of large funds doing spot, especially when there is no trading discipline and no need for contracts.

Mainstream coins account for 5-6% of the position, 30% of the position is for cottages, and 1-2% of the position is for contracts.

Movement rules: Spot mainstream is trapped, and cottage varieties are supplemented. Of course, if there are suitable targets, you can also open a position first, and manage the position well. When all the spot is trapped, or the point is very suitable, enter the market with leverage. If you learn this set of ideas, how can you lose money in this bull market? Even if the floating loss is not more than 20 points of the total funds, if it is a one-sided market, it will double.

The most taboo is to enter the market at this time and tell me:

Look at more than 10 times, just hold it. So far, there are not many 10-fold gains, but there are many that rise and fall as much as they rise.

Diversify your holdings, play a little, there will always be one that can be awesome...

Sorry, the more you diversify, the less profit you will make, because you will forget those insignificant things, just like when you have money, you don’t treat money as money. When you have no money, you find that you have spent so much unnecessary money.

The currency circle also pays attention to spending every penny on the blade.

Even if I am bearish and look at squats, I have to cooperate with entering the market in batches. No one can be accurate, so use probability and statistics to invest, you can't go wrong!