From the heartfelt words of a veteran in the cryptocurrency world:

When I first entered the cryptocurrency world, I was like everyone else. I thought I had to show my talent in this market, so I worked hard on contracts and lost 20,000 yuan in one go.

Screenshot of assets when they return to zero

People who are attracted to a contract for the first time must have seen the screenshots of other people’s contract statements.

I thought to myself that I also want to become such a person, and I will also work hard to learn the technical knowledge in this area and strive to become an elite in the currency circle.

Later I summarized the ways to lose money playing contracts:

The first one is, I shorted and stopped loss. If it doesn’t work, I will go long and chase after it. As soon as I chase after it, the price falls. Damn it, I quickly stop loss. As soon as I stop loss, the price pulls up again.

The second one is, am I stupid enough to do a copycat contract with a drop in price? Damn, the stop loss will explode.

The third type is that you miss out on the spot market and have to open a hundred times long position to buy in. But the market plummeted right after I bought in and my position was liquidated again.

Wait, from this point on I realized that I was not suitable for contract work. I think most people can’t make a fortune from contract work either.

Later, focus on discovering new tracks. In fact, you will find that there are many opportunities to make a fortune in the cryptocurrency circle, as long as you can seize them with your heart and can endure the loneliness.

Taking advantage of the bull market in 2021, I have made some small profits and have seen many people

Many people always like to see other people's examples of getting rich quickly, but they don't find their own rhythm in the bull market. For example, guard a coin, hold a coin, and control your own rhythm.

What is a false prosperity? After all the hassles, you may feel that you are making a lot of money by opening contracts today and you will make a lot of money by buying local stocks tomorrow. However, once a big correction occurs, your money will go back to where it was before. After a bull market, your principal may not be multiplied several times.

I have met many people who made millions from tens of thousands before 519, but did not know how to withdraw the money, and lost everything in the last wave of the market.

Sometimes people always like to say that they should sell at the top, but in fact, regular cash withdrawal is the best way to sell at the top. Especially when you make more and more money in the bull market and have no ability to control the wealth that does not belong to you, sometimes you want to make a fortune in one go, for example, you make hundreds of thousands of dollars from tens of thousands, and want to make millions directly, but end up losing it all in one wave.

I remember that I made my first 1 million by withdrawing it regularly, and suddenly I made 1 million, instead of setting a goal to make 1 million and withdraw it in one go. After I made my first 1 million, I felt that my thinking became clearer and I had more confidence.

Investing is a gradual process, so avoid being impetuous.

When your capital grows, you will find that making money is becoming easier and easier. You only need to allocate most of your capital to mainstream currencies, with appropriate fixed investment ratios, and then wait for the bull market. If you have experienced a bull market, you will understand what I mean.

It’s a pity that many newcomers are too impetuous, just like me when I first came in.

Even if you know that hoarding Bitcoin can achieve financial freedom, you may still not be able to hoard it, because you don’t want to wait, you still want to take shortcuts

Is there a shortcut we can take?

First of all, you may need to reflect on whether your requirements are too high. Most people will never achieve financial freedom in their lifetime, and only a very small number of people can achieve financial freedom. Hoarding 1 Bitcoin, waiting for 20 years, and doing nothing else is already a shortcut among shortcuts.

Secondly, madly improving the ability to make money outside the circle, earning more fiat currency and hoarding more coins can shorten the time to achieve wealth freedom. However, to shorten one cycle, the amount of coins must be increased by about 3-4 times, which is very difficult for everyone. I chose this path, at least it is very stable.

Again, there are always ways to quickly achieve wealth freedom, and they are not limited to the cryptocurrency circle, but the overall probability is extremely low. With so many companies in the world of mass innovation, how many can become Pinduoduo? I am also practicing this path, but I don't have much hope.

People are often like this. In fact, they have already taken a shortcut, but they are still desperately looking for shortcuts.

That’s all I have to say, I hope it can be helpful to you, come on!
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