#CPI数据 #美联储利率决策即将公布


The annual rate of US CPI in May was released: 3.3% lower than expected

The United States released the annual rate of CPI in May, which showed 3.3%, lower than the market's general expectation of 3.40%, and the same as the previous value.

Market reaction: Bulls counterattack, 70K mark becomes the focus again

After the release of this data, the market responded quickly. Investors generally believe that the lower-than-expected annual rate of CPI may mean that inflationary pressure has eased, providing more room for the Federal Reserve to further adjust its monetary policy. Affected by this, the bulls began to counterattack, and the market focus once again focused on the competition for 70K.

Although the annual rate of CPI has declined slightly, it is still at a high level and inflationary pressure still exists. However, this data may provide more flexibility for the Federal Reserve in future monetary policy decisions. Investors should pay close attention to subsequent economic data and the Fed's statements to judge market trends.

With the recovery of the global economy and the continued inflationary pressure, changes in CPI data in the future will continue to attract market attention. Investors need to remain vigilant and pay close attention to market dynamics in order to make timely investment decisions.