
Since 23:00 Beijing time, the price of BTC has risen and exceeded $70,000. Obviously, everyone knows the reason. It is true that the market relaxed a little after the New York Fed released its one-year inflation expectations. However, the focus is still on the US May CPI data released at 8 pm on Wednesday and the Federal Reserve's interest rate meeting released at 2 am on Thursday.

In terms of importance, both today's New York Fed data and Wednesday's CPI data actually provide a basis for the Fed's decision-making. Therefore, the interest rate meeting in the early hours of Thursday is more important. Of course, there is nothing worth paying attention to in the meeting itself. After all, the interest rate in June will not change, and even the possibility of a rate cut in July is not great. There are two key points, one is the dot plot, and the other is Powell's speech. The former is more important and will have a greater impact on prices.

Back to the data of BTC, although the price of BTC broke through $70,000 in stages after the opening of the US stock market, the turnover rate of BTC on the chain remained at a low level and did not change substantially. After all, investors nowadays are very smart, and fewer and fewer people are participating in turnover in this volatile market.

It can be clearly seen from the data that earlier investors have hardly changed and have always maintained a calm attitude. After all, the wide range of fluctuations has lasted for a long time, and the undetermined chips have been almost cleaned up. Except for some investors who specialize in short-term trading, everyone is waiting for the real moment of change, and they are not ready for large-scale turnover before that.

To put it bluntly, when there is a large amount of turnover including earlier investors, when the support of $64,000 to $69,000 begins to be broken, it may be the time when the market will change significantly. Of course, it is more likely to fall. After all, it is possible that the support will not be broken when it rises. The first three supports are the best examples.

From the perspective of exchange inventory, although the change on Monday was still small, it once again refreshed the lowest inventory value in nearly six years. This also shows that the vast majority of BTC is waiting for the outbreak brought by halving. From the detailed data, even if the BTC price hovers around $70,000, there is no sign of large-scale reduction or large-scale purchase.It is estimated that the trading volume will not expand until after 4 am.