Recently, #PEOPLE has been quite popular, with the price increasing from the lowest to the highest by about 17 times.

Before the rise, I didn’t hear anyone talking about this coin, let alone planning for it. Only after it started to rise and people saw the price increase list, did they start chasing the price increase.

Take these few days for example, several friends added me and asked me if PEOPLE can be invested in the long term?

It has risen so much, and I didn't buy it at the bottom. I bought it midway through the rise. In this case, the risk of long-term investment is too high.

Long-term investment will only be advantageous if you plan at the bottom. If you miss the best opportunity to enter the market, you can just enter the market in the middle and do short-term and medium-term investment. You cannot do long-term investment just because the market has risen well.

Judging from the market, PEOPLE's weekly bulls have begun to lose strength. After breaking through the pressure level, it rose for a week, and then the bulls began to weaken. The K-line entity is constantly getting smaller, the amplitude of breaking the previous high is also decreasing, and the bulls' volume is also shrinking. This is a phenomenon of exhaustion of bullish power.

Judging from the market trend, it is about to enter a period of volatility. So will it continue to rise or fall after the volatility? We have just entered the volatile market and cannot judge yet. We need to wait for more K-lines to come out before analyzing.

Judging from the trends in the past three weeks, risks have already emerged. What we should do now is to prevent and control risks rather than thinking about entering the market for long-term investment.

After such a long period of rise and reaching near the historical high, it is normal for the price to fluctuate at this position. If it fails to break through $0.2 in one fell swoop, it will most likely trigger a wave of correction in the later stage.

Let's analyze the $PEOPLE four-hour short-term market.

1. There were two waves of decline in the entire four-hour oscillation zone, and the second wave of decline was slower than the first wave.

2. The second wave of decline is shorter than the first wave, and the volume is also shrinking.

3. The overall bullish volume in the oscillation zone is shrinking.

4. The low point starts to rise, which shows that the support below is very strong.

Through the above analysis, it can be seen that the bulls are stronger than the bears in the current four-hour oscillation zone of PEOPLE, which will trigger a rebound in the future, but the strength of the rebound will not be too great.

This short-term position is a buying point, but there is a large pressure level above, so after entering the market, you must exit the market near the pressure level, and don’t be greedy.

In general, the PEOPLE weekly line showed a signal that it was about to enter a period of volatility. The probability of volatility at this position in the future is relatively high. This position in the long term needs close attention. Once a reversal signal appears, corresponding risk control strategies must be prepared.

When entering the market short-term, you must also set a stop loss, take a small profit and run away, and don't rely on luck.

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