From the reminder on April 15 that Ethereum stopped falling to now, the harvest in 2 and a half months is still quite good.

But this is just the beginning.

As I said yesterday, July is the real opportunity.

Many people are not optimistic about July, and they all think that interest rate cuts and the election of the president of the United States are unknown. I think sometimes some people think too much about investment.

In 2022, interest rates began to rise. After more than a year, interest rates hit a record high, and then interest rates fluctuated at a high level for another year. From these clues, can't we see that there will only be interest rate cuts in the future, and it is impossible to raise interest rates again?

Since there will be no interest rate hikes, then interest rate cuts are sooner or later. Regardless of whether they fall or not, they will fall at some point in the future.

This shows that from the perspective of the interest rate sector, if there is a good news next, it is a good news, and there will be no more bad news.

I think many people are very strange. They all think that there will be a market after the interest rate cut. They all think that the main force is very stupid and think that they are smart.

Is the main force a fool? Even retail investors know about the good news, will the main force wait for the good news to come out before entering the market to buy?

Another is that the Americans choose the boss. To be honest, who the Americans choose has nothing to do with this market. Don't think too much of the American president.

Can a president who comes to power decide the B circle and the bull and bear of the entire financial market?

Now it is a bull market. Just because a different president is chosen, will it affect the acceleration of the bull market or turn the bull market into a bear market?

Now the clues on the market, the funds brought by Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF are all moving in a good direction.

So, sometimes it is simple to believe the signals given to us by the K-line on the market. Don't try to find the sword in the boat, don't think too much, and don't add drama to the market.

Many currencies have already gone out of the bottom signal, and some currencies have already started a new round of upward trend. This is the real feedback from the market.

Therefore, everything should be done according to the situation. You can't be afraid that the market will fall again just because you lose money, and you can't think that the market is bad just because you lose money.

If you always act on impulse like this, you will eventually miss the next opportunity.

If you don't know what to do in the current market, you will always lose money. The main business is #KMD #PEPEUSDT $SOL