DWFLabs managing partner Andrey Grachev expects the alt-season to begin within a few months. Provided the#BTCrate is stable.

Arguments given:

- low capitalization of altcoins,

- a drop in search interest in cryptocurrencies on Google.


“Since 2017, altcoins had this market share at the beginning of 2021 (it was 14.45%). Google searches have been declining since March 2024.

Stable BTC = confidence. But BTC can't grow 50x, at least for now, but alternatives can. If BTC is stable, I expect a bullish run for several months."

Is it worth believing the head of one of the most aggressive market makers in the crypto market, whose goal is to make money on your transactions? This is a rhetorical question. But the arguments in his post are working. Especially if you add the technical picture of BTC dominance. But Grachev doesn’t believe in technical analysis, and on one of his recent broadcasts he compared it to astrology 😄