Economic calendar of events June 10-16 that can influence the crypto market.

Already on Wednesday, June 12, is the key day not only of the week, but also of the month. First, new data on consumer inflation in the United States will be published. Then, based on them, the US Federal Reserve will make a decision on the interest rate (consensus forecast - another pause).

Thursday is also important - data on manufacturing inflation in the US will be released and US Treasury Secretary Yellen will speak.

A complete list of important events for the week is on the screenshots. Key:

Monday, June 10:

- Japan's GDP data has already been published (important because of Japan's role in the global economy, because of the role of the yen in calculating the US Dollar Index #DXY, because of the gradual return of the crypto market to the country). Slightly better than forecast.

- There are no other important events in macroeconomics today. 

Tuesday, June 11:

- 09:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 11:00 Astana time - Data pool on the UK labor market. Change in unemployment claims, Change in employment, Unemployment rate. Important for assessing the risks of recession and because of the role of the pound sterling in the formula for calculating#DXY(which has an inverse correlation with the crypto market).

Wednesday, June 12:

- 04:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 06:30 Astana time - Consumer Price Index and Producer Price Index in China. Consumer and industrial inflation. It is important for assessing the success of the fight against yuan inflation and for assessing the risks of the crisis. If in the future Chinese capital finds its way into Hong Kong cryptocurrency ETFs, the indicator will gain additional importance.

- 09:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 11:00 Astana time - Data pool on the UK economy. GDP, Industrial production, Trade balance. Important for assessing recession risks and because of the role of sterling in the#DXYcalculation formula.

❗️- 15:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 17:30 Astana time - Basic consumer price index and US consumer price index for May. Consumer inflation. One of the key indicators for the US Federal Reserve in interest rate decisions. For risky asset markets, it is important to see performance below or within the forecast.

- 21:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 23:00 Astana time - Report on the execution of the US federal budget. Important for the prospects of “turning on the printing press” and the influx of “cheap” money into the markets of risky assets.

❗️-21:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 23:00 Astana time - Decision on the US Federal Reserve interest rate.

❗️-21:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 23:00 Astana time - Economic forecasts and statement by the US Federal Reserve.

❗️ - 21:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 23:30 Astana time - Press conference of the head of the US Federal Reserve Jerome Powell. 

Thursday, June 13:

❗️- 15:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 17:30 Astana time - Basic Producer Price Index (PPI) and US Producer Price Index for May. Manufacturing inflation in the United States, a leading indicator of consumer inflation (will allow us to forecast consumer inflation for June).

❗️ - 15:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 17:30 Astana time - Weekly number of initial applications for unemployment benefits in the USA. The labor market is important for the US Federal Reserve's interest rate actions.

- 19:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 21:00 Astana time - Speech by US Federal Reserve member Williams (a member with “dovish” rhetoric and voting rights).

❗️ - 19:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 21:00 Astana time - Speech by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

- 23:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 01:30 new day Astana time - US Federal Reserve balance sheet. They will show how things are going in the financial sector; the Fed has essentially already entered the period of completion of quantitative tightening. It is important to see this in practice in numbers.

Friday, June 14:

- 05:30-6:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 07:30-8:00 Astana time - Bank of Japan Monetary Policy Report and Interest Rate Decision. The Yen is included in the DXY calculation formula.

- 09:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 11:00 Astana time - Consumer price index in Sweden. Consumer inflation. Important for the Swedish krona included in the DXY calculation.

- 18:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 20:00 Astana time - US Federal Reserve report on monetary policy. Important for DXY.

- 20:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 22:30 Astana time - The head of the European Central Bank Lagarde will give a speech.