Last night, when the non-agricultural data was listed, the market was pulled up one hour in advance and a needle was released. Of course, the volume was not large, so I only thought it was a small market crash. The support at around 2,000 was 70,000. If it did not break, it would continue to wait until Wednesday. Sure enough, the real market crash caught people off guard.

However, according to my requirements, the mainstream risk is still the best choice, and other profitable ones are also allowed to come out first. At the same time, all groups expressed my views.

I called all VIPs with excessive risk factors at 3-4 am to notify them to change their positions. All profitable ones exited the market and waited for the opportunity.

Fortunately, I basically cut off all the fans who came to me before with full warehouses and concentrated on attacking the fortress. This is the best way to play. Today, I also learned some valuable content from one of my fans. He told me the reasons why he was optimistic about ton, and I was very excited after listening.

He bought 1 million tons at around 6 yuan, and then helped me build the foundation of the ton ecosystem, and expanded the future ton ecosystem together.

I still remember that a brother in my group told me about jasmy last time, and then I spent two hours studying the fundamentals of this project. I found that this target is indeed of high quality.

So being with excellent people will indeed make you grow continuously. Perhaps this is what the web3 community should look like.