The altcoins plummeted, and meme coins led this wave of plummets.

Last night, Thirteen told everyone in the article and Thirteen Circle about the risks of investing in meme coins.

Meme coins can be ambushed when no one cares, but you must never chase high prices after the surge.

The reason why meme coins have risen so much is that someone is behind the scenes.

Once the leeks get on the train, it is time for the banker to harvest.

In every round of bull market, meme coins will usher in their own highlights. Many people even deliberately recommend meme coins to everyone, and some even use their own success stories to endorse themselves to prove how awesome they are.

There is no mention of failed cases, and investors can only bear the losses silently.

Of course, the kols in our circle, including Thirteen, like this, reporting good news but not bad news. If you describe your own misjudgments in a heavy and colorful way, who would be willing to pay attention to you?

This is human nature.

So once you don’t want anyone to tell you how accurate his strategy is, don’t believe it too much. As long as we are not a trader or a banker, it will never be possible to get high returns through short-term strategies.

With the same strategy, some people will make money, while most people will lose money. Different determination, funds, and risk tolerance will lead to very different investment results.

Especially for us fat sheep, how can we win if we have no ability or strength?

Therefore, we can only bet on time and use time to defeat magic.