Regarding the debate over the past two days about whether interest rate cuts are equal to loosening the monetary policy, it actually depends on the context in which the discussion is conducted. Is it in a casual chat or a serious academic paper? In a broad sense, if the water is pumped less or no more, the pool does not evaporate, and the original water intake does not decrease, it can also be understood as loosening the monetary policy, but it is just not continued on the original natural water release. If the Fed strictly follows the technical operation in a narrow sense, then only QE is considered loosening the monetary policy, and of course it is not loosening now. In the final analysis, isn't it the concept of vectors in mathematics? But what the market cares about is expectations, emotions, attitudes, and what is traded in games is psychology. Who really cares about the extra or less of the tens of trillions of yuan in the pool? It doesn't matter if you are short of money and are anxious to spend money.

Specifically, we need to implement it in our own hands. Even if a 4% unemployment rate is given tonight, which meets the interest rate cut standard given by the Fed, or even if we assume that the interest rate is cut tomorrow, what will happen? Will the stock market soar if the interest rate is cut? Will you become rich immediately if the interest rate is cut? Not at all. It is impossible for wealth to come to you so easily. Even if the interest rate is cut suddenly, it is just a needle. When the good news is exhausted, there will be sustained stamina when the real big army comes. After Bitcoin passes the ETF, the reservoir will not be added. However, the reservoir can not only store water, but also regulate the peak. If there is more water, it can store more water and release less water. Now, whether it is the national debt market, finance or election, where does the external world not need money? Will the water in the reservoir be used for irrigation? Ten thousand stocks may only rise by the daily limit twice. The first time was the wave on October 24 last year. After a long drought, the pressure was pushed to the limit and the total outbreak brought about by the passage of the big cake ETF. The second time may really be when the market is flooded with liquidity and the reservoir needs to be frantically filled with water. The last round of this situation was reflected in the fact that the money of the US dollar VC was wholesaled and invested everywhere like free. In the currency circle, it was the 2021 copycat bull. So it is reasonable to speculate that the next copycat bull may be opened when the liquidity is flooded next year. If you take the initiative to find me, my strategy password. Spot contracts are shared free of charge to fans. Just click on the avatar and follow the homepage. #第55期新币挖矿IO #非农就业人数高于预期 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布