Wow! 6.8 Coin Circle Academician Ethereum Analysis, the market is clear at a glance, enough to change your cognition, escort you

Let's review the ideas given in yesterday's article first. Yesterday, I said that Ethereum 3770 long, 3840 pocket, 3830 short, 3760 pocket, long and short double closed 140 points, currently short waiting for opportunities, waiting for the opportunity of trend correction to enter the market again, I often say that the trend will not be corrected, the main purpose is to safely reduce the fault tolerance rate, the big trend has now returned to the short position, then the layout will be mainly short near the upper pressure position

  Let's look at the market at four o'clock in the morning. As of press time, the current price of Ethereum is around 3700, the highest daily K line is around 3845, and the lowest is around 3565. Affected by the news, the non-agricultural negative, and the main high-level shipments have led to the liquidation of this market. The main reason is that the market has too many chips chasing more. The daily K line directly fell below the EMA15 trend fast line support 3725, bottoming out the EMA30 trend support point, and the KDJ trend has become the current dead cross. Bollinger Bands close, long and short contracts, K-line breaks through the middle Bollinger Bands at 3745, the probability of probing the lower track at 3416 increases, pay attention to defense, MACD shrinks and moves downward, DIF and DEA move downward from high positions, the overall trend is now empty,

  The four-hour K-line has now broken below the EMA trend indicator, although it is a false break, it is also a break, there will be a wave of upward correction in the short term, but it is not chasing long, the current position is empty and waiting for opportunities, waiting for the K-line to pull the golden section line 0.618 pressure level, which is around 3725, and then start to layout, KDJ spreads downward, and the Bollinger Bands finally open after so long, the K-line breaks through the lower Bollinger Band at 3715, and it is expected to return to the Bollinger Channel soon, MACD shrinks and moves downward, DIF and DEA fall below the 0 axis, the trend is mainly empty, be cautious chasing Long, it is recommended to arrange the pullback pressure position

  Short-term ideas reference:

  Focus on the layout of short positions near 3720 to 3730, exit reference 3650 to 3600 range, stop loss 30 points (after breaking 3750, you can choose to exit, just don't take it first, wait for the opportunity to choose the entry point)

  Focus on the layout of long positions in the range of 3550 to 3500 below, defend 3450 to cover long positions, exit reference 3650 to 3700 range, (it is not recommended to hold positions for a long time during the weekend market, so take advantage of the profit, take precautions and safety first)

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