Academician of the currency circle: 3,300 points were achieved on September 14, Bitcoin market analysis: the critical moment to hit the 60,000 mark! Must read!

The long position of Bitcoin has finally opened. I entered the market at 56,000 and went long. Now there is nearly 3,000 points of space. Before the release of the article, the highest daily K-line of Bitcoin reached 59,700. Now the most are long positions near 56,000. You can continue to use it as a reference. I don’t know if you can read the previous article. The same sentence still applies. Don’t rush to get off the bus. As long as you are not afraid of 58,500, don’t rush to leave. The daily K-line trend indicator began to shrink. The daily K-line also broke the EMA30 pressure level of 58,600. Now it has become a support point and began to impact the EMA60 trend pressure level of 60,000 integers. MACD increased its volume and increased its funds. It could not shrink. The top pressure level reached 63,000. The medium-term regulation of 58,200 failed and now became a support point. It can be used as a retracement stop loss point. If you don’t get on the bus, you can wait for another opportunity to get on the bus. The current trend of the four-hour market shows that the bulls have taken the dominant position. The EMA trend indicator began to shrink. The EMA15 fast trend indicator has broken the EMA120 support level 5 7900, EMA15 support also broke 58000 and is still stretching further. It is expected to hit 58500. You can pay attention to it. MACD increased in volume, DIF and DEA spread above the 0 axis. The top divergence of this wave of four-hour MACD technical indicators has been clear, and it has diverged to the 60,000 mark. As for whether it can further diverge and stretch, it will take time.

Short-term thinking reference: The market is not 100%, so you must bring a stop loss, safety first, small losses and big profits is the goal

61000 to 61500 above, short position at 62000 to 62300, stop loss 500 points, target 60000 to 59500, break at 59000,

58500 to 58200 below, long position at 58000 to 57800, stop loss 500 points, target 59500 to 60000, break at 60500 to 61000

There is no need to over-display strength, the key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it after taking it out for a walk.

Here, I wish my fans to achieve financial freedom in 2024, cheer together! $BTC #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #BTC翻倍之路 #BTC金LTC银 #BTC走勢分析