Recently, meme coins have continued to rise, triggering great enthusiasm among investors.

Now, if anyone does not buy some meme coins, it feels like they have been in the coin circle for nothing.

But if you choose to hold a large position and go all in on meme coins, then you may be on a road of no return.

In every bull market, meme coins will bring us a feast of wealth, and countless leeks will flock to it, but every round of leeks will be cut clean.

In this round of bull market, the meme coin that everyone is more optimistic about is floki. This coin keeps doubling to tell everyone to buy me quickly, otherwise you will miss the wealth opportunity in this bull market.

But each round of rise is caused by DWF's strong buying.

In other words, this coin is a strong dealer coin. Many people think that this is a sign of the stability of the value of this coin, and you can buy it boldly.

There will definitely be no problem in the first half of the bull market. Everyone must learn to stop profit and keep moving the stop profit point up as the price rises.

Don't blindly believe in meme coins.

Compared with the benefits they bring, the harm they once brought to investors is undoubtedly huge.

Finally, Binance's new project IO has good potential in the future. It is an artificial intelligence computing power project issued on the sol chain.

The prospect is good. The detailed information of this coin will be shared in the thirteenth circle.

This project is worth our wild play. The opening depends on the situation. Thirteen will open the wild first. As for the red opening and blue opening, we will act according to the camera at that time.

The expected price of this project after it goes online is around 9U, which can be used as a reference.