Today we continue to explain the projects ranked in the 200-300 range, which is also a Layer1-Chromia, an old project from 2019. Its current market value is only 270 million US dollars. It has only tripled from the lowest point this year to now, and its performance is relatively average. It is currently also a public chain focusing on chain games, Depin, NFT, RWA and other sectors.



Chromia is a Layer-1 relational blockchain platform that allows developers to build and deploy decentralized applications (dapps) for large-scale, real-world use cases. Similar to sharding in Ethereum, each blockchain in Chromia is associated with a set of validator nodes, which is a subset of all nodes belonging to Chromia. This subset of nodes runs a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithm. Network consensus is further enhanced by anchoring Chromia’s transaction history to Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum - once a block is anchored, it is considered final.


Chromia Features

1. Relational blockchain

Unlike other blockchain platforms, Chromia stores dapp data in a set of distributed relational databases native to the platform. This allows dapps to easily index, manipulate, and perform complex queries on data, all on-chain without the need for additional Layer-2 infrastructure.

2. No direct fuel costs

Rather than relying on users to pay gas fees to run individual transactions, Chromia allows dapps to implement a revenue model that fits their intended user experience. For example, paid subscriptions, freemium, subsidies, or paying individual transaction fees where appropriate.

3. Predictable hosting fees and performance

Chromia allows dapps to pay a predictable weekly hosting fee for a known set of resources such as vCPU, RAM, storage, and IO. This fee model is similar to traditional cloud hosting while still remaining fully decentralized. dapps can automatically pay for hosting fees using revenue collected from users, allowing for decentralized dapp governance.

4. Dapp chains and congestion-free scaling

Each dapp on Chromia has its own blockchain, running in an isolated container with dedicated resources and managed by a group of nodes using eBFT consensus. The dapp chain is anchored to the overall system chain through a tree structure, thus protecting the entire network. This architecture allows dapps to confirm transactions in about 1 second and maintain high throughput without causing network congestion due to the presence of other dapps in the network. Providers (validators of Chromia) add resources to the network based on demand, allowing the entire network to scale horizontally.

5. EVM interoperability

Despite being incompatible with the EVM, Chromia provides an extensive EVM interoperability framework that allows dapps to bridge tokens, events, and other data to and from EVM chains. This means that in addition to building dapps native to Chromia, developers can also use the Chromia platform to build highly customizable Layer-2 solutions for EVM chains.

6. Rell Programming Language

Chromia uses Rell for language-driven development. This new programming language is designed for dapp development within a relational data model, making it easy for experienced developers to learn. Rell is concise and clear, allowing developers to quickly and easily write complex dapps.

Chromia Architecture

Chromia streamlines operations and maximizes efficiency by strategically grouping nodes into clusters. Each cluster focuses on running a specific blockchain. There are multiple dapp clusters around a single system cluster. Here is a detailed breakdown:

- System Cluster: Serves as the central hub of the Chromia network. It runs multiple system chains, each responsible for specific functions such as network management, block anchoring, and ecosystem token economic management.

- Dapp clusters: These clusters are dedicated to running individual decentralized applications (dapps) deployed by developers. Each dapp has its own blockchain, as well as dedicated vCPU, memory, and storage resources. This innovative approach enables dapps to achieve high and predictable throughput without risking overall network congestion.

When a transaction is sent to a dapp on the network, the nodes in that dapp’s cluster reach a consensus before submitting it to the dapp’s blockchain. The dapp blockchain is then anchored using a tree structure of anchor chains to ensure the security of the entire network.


Blockchain Anchoring

Chromia uses a layered anchoring mechanism to maintain security and scalability. Blocks from dapp chains are anchored to dedicated cluster anchor chains, which are in turn anchored to the system anchor chain. This central chain serves as a reference point for the entire network, anchoring the state of all clusters and facilitating consensus fault detection and resolution. Although Chromia has its own consensus mechanism and operates as an independent Layer 1 platform, the system anchor chain is further anchored to Ethereum for enhanced security.


Chromia's system chains are system-level dapps that manage and protect the entire network. Like other dapps on Chromia, each system chain has its own blockchain and is implemented in the Rell programming language. Updates to these dapps require a supermajority vote among the Chromia system providers (validators that make up Chromia governance).

Most system chains run in the system cluster, except for the cluster anchor chain that exists in each dapp cluster.

Let's take a closer look at each system chain:


Network Scalability

Chromia's unique architecture allows the network to scale horizontally. As demand on the network increases, providers (Chromia's validators) add more nodes and dapp clusters, allowing more dapps to be deployed and run. Each dapp has its dedicated computing, memory, and storage resources, and a surge in traffic to one dapp does not cause congestion or performance degradation for other dapps in the network. Dapps themselves can scale by leasing more resources on the network or even sharding into multiple blockchains that communicate with each other.

Cross-chain communication

Blockchains within the Chromia network can use Chromia's Inter-Chain Messaging Facility (ICMF) and Inter-Chain Confirmation Facility (ICCF) protocols to send events and data within and between clusters. Some dapp clusters can also use Chromia's extensive EVM interoperability framework, enabling dapps to bridge tokens, events, and other forms of data between Ethereum and other EVM chains. More on this will be covered in subsequent sections of this overview.


Checking its ecological browser, there are only 12 DAPPS, and the main transactions are currently concentrated in the first 3 APPs, so such an ecology is a bit worrying. Then I checked its TVL, but didn’t see it.


Token Economy

At the time of launch, the total number of tokens was 978,064,789, and currently 812,434,439 are in circulation, with a circulation rate of 83%. The current exchange rate is US$0.34, and the peak price was US$1.3 (October 21). The token distribution can be seen above: the ecosystem holds 37.25%, the foundation holds 25%, private sales hold 19.4%, founders hold 4.5%, IEO holds 4%, the team holds 2.93%, system nodes hold 2%, contracts hold 3%, and consultants hold 1.92%.


Finally, let me summarize this project. It is a new concept of layer 1. In fact, it is not a very new concept. As we all know, one of the main functions of blockchain is database. In traditional database, there is a relational database called oracle. So Chr imitated oracle to create a relational layer 1. I think it is meaningless. The main criteria for judging public chains are TVL and application. Neither of them is related. So it is no wonder that the market value has increased recently. As for why it has risen recently, it seems that a chain game on it, my neighbor alice, has been online for a while. As for this game, I just talked about it before. You can go and have a look. As for this project, it is definitely not good. #内容挖矿