Today we continue to talk about the projects with good performance from the list of the top 500 projects with the strongest rebound. Today is also the time for the member group to update the small currency strategy, but I found that most of the projects are still going down, although the market is going up. Today, two projects have rebounded by 20-30% each, so let’s see what’s special about these two. 1. Daddy Tate This is another meme project on SOL, with a daily increase of up to 36%. The current market value is 90 million US dollars, ranking 300+.



The project was co-founded by former kickboxer and social media personality Andrew Tate, who tweeted shortly after it was first publicized: "I'm supporting a coin called $DADDY, use it against the patriarchy. We're bringing the Gs back, let me be a f**king sandwich woman."

The self-proclaimed misogynist went on a Twitter spree to promote the token, claiming he would never sell it and instead burn 40% of the supply in his public wallet.

In turn, the coin surpassed the $200 million market cap by midday Wednesday, overturning $192 million in market cap in the process.

For a meme project, there is not much to say. The official website is also very simple. The summary is that if you buy this token you will be very rich, which is also a common routine.


Token Economy

The project was launched on June 14, 24. It has been only half a month so far. The total number of tokens is 999,689,062, and 599,688,329 are currently in circulation. Because 40% of the tokens have been destroyed, the total amount is just this much.

Currently, there are 30,000 followers on Twitter and 40,000 token holders, which is a relatively average level.

2 EU

Currently, this project has a daily increase of 16%, with a current market value of 70 million US dollars, ranking 400+. This is actually an old project, launched in 22 years, and is also a DEFI protocol.



Euler v2 is a modular lending platform launching with two main components: 1) Euler Vault Kit (EVK), which enables developers to deploy and link their own custom lending vaults in a permissionless manner; and 2) Ethereum Vault Connector (EVC), a powerful and immutable foundational module that gives vaults “super powers” ​​by allowing them to be used as collateral for other vaults. Together, EVK and EVC provide the flexibility to build or recreate any type of existing or future lending product within the Euler ecosystem.


Core Product-Euler Vault Kit (EVK)

At the product level, Euler v2 is an ERC-4626 vault system built using a custom vault development kit (EVK) and uses EVC to connect these vaults together. Different vault classes support different use cases, giving users freedom through choice and modularity. Euler v2 will launch with three initial vault classes based on EVK. Developers can customize and integrate these vaults as needed, or design their own vaults in just a few clicks.

The three initial vault categories are:

1. Core: This is a class of vaults that create governed lending products designed to provide risk-managed and capital-efficient lending.

2. Edge: This is a more flexible standard for creating governance-free vaults. The modular design gives users the freedom to create their own lending markets in a permissionless manner, and Euler Edge will become the base layer for more free market risk management. Edge vaults are isolated markets, similar to Kashi, FraxLend, or Morpho Blue, but more capital efficient because they allow borrowers to borrow from multiple collateral vaults at the same time, borrow yield-generating collateral, and borrow collateral used by other edge vaults.

3. Escrow: This is a simple vault class that enables any type of ERC20 token to be used as collateral in other vaults. These vaults do not earn deposit yield themselves, as there is no lending activity within escrow vaults, but they can be connected to an unlimited number of other vaults for use as collateral. Escrow vaults protect lenders by ensuring that collateral is readily available for liquidation when needed, and protect borrowers by ensuring that borrowers can close their positions at any time when needed, and their collateral is protected from being used for short selling or manipulation of governance votes.

In addition to these products, the EVK allows advanced users to custom build their own vaults beyond the Euler product specification to meet their individual needs.

Satisfy the following functions:

1. Synthetic assets

Euler v2’s modular architecture supports not only conventional lending through vaults, but also the creation of collateralized debt positions and synthetic assets.

2. Nested Vaults

Vaults are often tokenized via vault shares, which themselves offer interesting lending opportunities.

3. Reward Stream: Permissionless Rewards without Staking

RewardStreams is an innovative open source module that enables projects to seamlessly stream rewards to users in new markets in a permissionless manner.

4. Fee Flow: Reverse Dutch Auction of Fees

FeeFlow is a powerful new open source module that provides Euler DAOs with greater control over the fees generated by the Euler market, maximizing the growth of the ecosystem. This powerful tool enables the accumulation of assets such as ETH, stETH, USDC, and potentially even EUL through auction fees, thereby enhancing the financial flexibility of the DAO.

5. Free Market Liquidation

Euler v2 allows more advanced vault creators to customize and design their own liquidation processes, but EVK comes with Euler v1’s innovative reverse Dutch auction liquidation process as standard. This mechanism was popular with borrowers and traders on Euler v1, where liquidation rewards for large loans were less than 0.7%, the cheapest of any DeFi lending protocol.

Core Product 2 Ethereum Vault Connector (EVC)

EVC is an interoperability layer and a powerful layer that enables vault creators in the Euler ecosystem to easily launch new lending products by connecting vaults together and using existing deposits in remote vaults as collateral. While EVC is a key module of Euler v2, it is an open source project supported by Euler Labs and anyone can launch a product on it.

One of EVC’s goals is to abstract away many of the common features found in all credit-based protocols so that developers can focus on product features that are tailored to specific user types. In this way, it helps developers build their own lending protocols, stablecoins, yield aggregators, margin trading applications, and more.


Token Economy

The project was also launched in 2022, with a total of 27,182,818 tokens, 15,774,027 in circulation, and a circulation rate of 55%. The current exchange rate is 4.9 US dollars, and the peak was $13.0743 (2022-09-11). In terms of token distribution, EULlabs shareholders 25.9%, users 25%, consultants 20.6%, foundations 13.8%, DAO partners 9.67%, incubators 4%, and retroactive distribution 1%. They took too much for themselves, and the shareholders, foundations, and consultants are all their own.


Finally, let's summarize these two projects. One is the meme project on Sol. We have seen many projects on Sol this week. The Sol ecosystem is so popular, but this project cannot be regarded as a top-ranked project. Currently, this star has been calling for orders, but the price comparison is not very high. It has been at the same level so far. Therefore, the position is awkward and it is not recommended. You should still look at SOL's leader BONK and others.

The second project seems to have great innovation, saying it is modular DEFI, but there has been no progress in 2 years, and there is no demo or test network on the official website. If you read the introduction yourself, you will find that it is just a safe deposit box. Because it only involves lending, the safe deposit box is the most important part. I can only say that it is innovative but not enough. The price of the second project was 3.5 US dollars when it was first launched, and now it is 4.9 US dollars. It has not risen much. I can only hope that the project party will develop the project quickly and launch it online, so that there may be a way forward, otherwise it may run away. #内容挖矿